Under the weather

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"I warned you not to eat so much chocolate.. Now, your throat is all sore," you scolded Chara as he lay on the bed, looking a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh, come on! It's just a little sore. I'm fine. Totally worth it for the chocolate heaven." He retorted, clearly not too bothered by the consequences of his indulgence.

You sighed. "Whatever you say, Chara... Here, I'll bring you some water and something to soothe your throat. Just try to behave, okay?" You added, trying to ease his discomfort. Taking care of him was your priority at the moment.

Chara remained silent, his throat causing too much discomfort for him to respond more than a nod.

Leaving the room, you quickly fetched a glass of water and brewed a warm herbal tea. Returning to Chara, you noticed his discomfort hadn't eased; he was still lying on his bed, clearly feeling worse than before.

Concern etched on your face, you approached him. "Hey, here's the water and tea," you said gently, offering him the remedies. "Let's hope this helps. Is there anything else I can get for you?"

Chara weakly shook his head, managing a faint smile. "No, I'm good... Just hoping this sore throat goes away soon." His voice sounded strained and hoarse, showing signs of genuine discomfort.

"Hey- Maybe if you give me a kiss, I'll feel better." He suggested with a smug expression.

"...Could you please drink your tea?" you asked politely, brushing off his teasing with a smile.

He sighed, giving in as he sat up on the bed. "Fine." He took the glass from your hands, taking a reluctant sip. "Happy now?" he quipped.

"Very much," you replied.

Chara settled back into bed, and you, concerned, reached over to check his forehead. "Jeez, you're hot," you remarked, noting the warmth radiating from him.

"I know. You are too," he teased, despite feeling under the weather as he smirked.

"I mean, temperature-wise, Chara. You've got a fever," you clarified, a soft chuckle escaping you.

Chara let out a subdued groan, understanding you weren't playing along with his shenanigans. "Ugh, figures," he grumbled, shifting in the bed. "Can't pretend to be cool when I'm burning up."

"You need to rest. I'll ask Toriel to bring something to help lower your fever. And, no chocolates... for now, okay?" You spoke gently, concern evident in your voice as you emphasized the need for Chara to take care of himself.

"As you wish, my dear Nurse." He quipped.

You smiled warmly, leaning in to kiss his forehead gently. "Rest well, love."


I'm having a writer's block, not sure if this one is good enough. I'm constantly striving to stay updated, trust me, I have numerous scenario ideas, but finding the right time to write them is a challenge.


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