Chapter Four

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"You guys suck at this!" I laughed, crumbling up another burger wrapper to throw until a voice came over the intercom, silencing the entire lunch room.

"Davina Silas, please report to the principals office."


"Oo! Someone's in trouble," Leslie grinned. I shook my head as I got out of my seat, heading toward the doors.

People watched me leave the cafeteria with whispers and I quickened my pace, pushing through the doors before slowing my walk again.

I arrived at the office within minutes and strolled through the door, catching the attention of the receptionist. She smiled warmly. "Mr. Veila and Alpha Charles are ready for you, just go down the hall and it's the first room on your left."

My Alpha is here?

My heart dropped in fear but I nodded, walking past her desk and entering the slim hall. I strolled down to the end where the principal's personal office was.

I walked in and saw the principal and my Alpha sitting side by side in the middle of a conversation, though it was quickly halted upon my entry.

"Davina, hello," Mr. Veilas greeted, signaling to the seat across from his desk. "Come sit, there's something we want to discuss with you."

I hesitantly walked up, taking the seat and setting my belongings over my thighs. He moved things around on his desk then shared a look with Alpha Charles, clearing his throat, and my Alpha set a piece of paper in front of me.

The first thing I noticed were the three lines on the bottom filled with signatures, leaving one without. It was signed by him, the Lycan King, and my principal. And by using my context clues, I determined the last one was for me.

What's happening?

Why does he have a signature from the Lycan King?

That is anything but good...

"You're not in trouble," Mr. Veila reassured, most likely seeing my nervousness.

"Mr. Veila, the Lycan King, and I all have been talking these past weeks, and based off your records, we've decided it's best to pull you out of the pack and send you straight off to join the Lycan Warriors. You've caused too many casualties and you're far too dangerous, making you a perfect fit," Alpha Charles said, and my heart skipped a beat, my world coming to a complete standstill.

No. Fucking. Way.

"I'm joining the Lycan Warriors?" I gasped, a huge grin taking over my lips and my excitement was incapable of being contained.

The Lycan Warriors are only the strongest, smartest, and the most skillful fighters in the world! The chance of a Lycan becoming one is nearly impossible, but a werewolf? The chances of that aren't even there, thus the name.

"Once you sign this document, you'll be escorted out by the Lycan King's personal assistants and taken to meet your team," Mr. Veila signaled behind me and I turned, not even realizing there were two Lycan's standing on each side of the door.

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