The fear in the heart and The doubt in the mind

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As Jaune walked through the auditorium he looked around for a place to sit but couldn't find any so he decided to lean on a pillar away from the crowd as he surveys The crowd with then he sees Mrs.GoodWitch walk up to the mic she taps on the mic, as the sound of ringing was heard, suddenly the room changed in front of his eyes showing it as fire with the color of scarlet red the same shade of blood.

He could only stand their frozen not being able to move,like he was rooted to the ground his body felt rigid but as he let out An icy breath seeing his own breath as a shiver went down his spine and wasn't because of the cold as he could instinctively look around as he could feel eyes on him but not knowing where and it abruptly stopped, he keels over as he breathes heavily as he recoils at what he just experienced as profusely sweated as if he finished running a marathon but quickly composed himself and quickly took of the beads off sweat from his face.

'What in the world was that?' was the only thing that was going through his mind as he replays the feeling of unprecedented fear of someone watching him only shivering at the meer memory of the feeling that he experienced and to what felt like long torture hours, but as he looks he sees that, Ozpin's speech just ended as he walks off the stage and then hears a voice and he recognizes the voice.

"Oh yeah we can totally be the best of besties like paint our nails talk about boys like tall, blonde and scraggly " said a feminine voice as he turned around to see Weiss well younger Weiss pointing at his direction and now that he was no longer socially inept he now understood that was meant as an insult.

'Why did I have a crush on Weiss when I was younger?' he questioned

himself in what he saw in her when he first met her but he does admit that she mellowed out a lot during the secret war between the old fart and his ex hag, so he decided to walk over towards them.

-with Ozpin-

As he begins to walk down the stairs Ozpin for some reason feels like making things a bit more interesting for this batch of students.

-Somewhere in the grimlands-

A certain witch for some reason felt the urge to incinerate something she didn't know why though?

-Back at beacon-

" Look, I said that I was sorry. What else did you want me to say, oh I'm so sorry heiress please forgive me!? " said Ruby in a sassy tone which shocked Yang making an incredible imitation of a fish and on the other hand Weiss Is red with embarrassment and a hint of anger seen in her eyes " why i never-" she was cut off as Jaune walked up and talked to her.

"You know it was quite rude pointing at me, didn't anyone teach you any manners?" he asked her while hoping this could be used as a distraction from the argument that could happen and that could affect Weiss in a negative way, which he is trying to avoid and maybe converse with Ruby, ' why she is acting like this cause this isn't usually her, she's usually more calm then this, maybe seeing everyone alive and well in front of her is causing her to be emotional is probably causing her to say and doing things without thinking?' he thought.

When Weiss turned to him she was about to say something but stopped Herself as she saw who was talking to her and she glowered at him and opened her mouth about to speak but was cut off by the sound of the mic emitted which caught everyone's attention and turned to see goodwitch.

"The test shall start tomorrow at 10 in the morning and you all Shall sleep in the auditorium but there will be staff To monitor all of you so here's your warning,try anything and the last thing on your mind will be trying to find a way to be a huntsman or huntress" she informed all the teens and ended it coldly which made all feel a shiver go down their spine as she did her infamous Goodwitch Glare that the deputy is well known for.

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