Small Ripple to Enormous Tsunami: part 1

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Ruby then lowers her gun down as she only looks towards the person in front of her as she then walks towards them.

“You? "What are you doing here?” said Ruby as she looked at the person in front of her, which made the person tilt their head in surprise and confusion.

“You know me?” said the voice that sounded feminine as she then looked at Ruby with a brow raised with a weird feeling of familiarity.

“Well I don’t know you but i’ve seen you in the cafeteria with R- that guy, uh Ren if i heard correctly” as she said as she nearly slipped on saying his name but then covered it as her saying that’s what she heard the name was.

Then the person nods “Yup that’s Renny I was hoping that we would be partners like originally when I was making the sounds of a sloth but I always wondered if a sloth could even make a sound but then again we never know but anyways my name is Nora Valkyrie nice to meet ya um… Hoodie girl?”  Nora Valkyrie is now introduced but doesn’t know the young girl's name.

which again Ruby is inwardly surprised but doesn’t show it out worldly, Ruby has learned to mask her emotions thanks to her future memories and the experience she is easily able to slide on and mimic the mask that she once wore. 

As she puts on a fake wide smile that it can easily fool anyone who looks at it but yet the smile still shows a bit sincere as she stretches her hand out to the girl and introduces herself.

“Hello Nora My name is Ruby Rose I guess that makes us partners” she said as Nora smiled at her and gripped on her hand HARD as an audible crack was heard, Ruby wincing in pain as Nora didn’t notice the young writhing in pain as Nora cartoonishly shook Ruby’s hand as the girl was shaken up and down like she weight nothing more than a feather by the ginger girl with seemingly limitless energy.

“Oh hi Ruby it’s so nice to meet you, partner now let's go on an adventure to find these relics to ace this test ” said an excited Nora as she was dragging the young girl behind her.

“Wait! Nora, wait! Wait!” Ruby could only yell in wanting the girl to wait, but the girl didn’t hear her, and so she was dragged into the forest with an over-hyped girl.

Jaune could only stare in surprise at the person in front of him as they pointed to two green pistols with daggers on the ends built in them.

“You?” The only thing that they said,  easily, was that the voice was male.

Jaune was shocked Lie ren was right in front of him and is now technically His partner and not Nora's this is a surprising turn of events but yet the guilt resurfaced up his chest once more but he pushed it to the side as he slips on his mask with frightening ease as he stretches out his hand and smiles.

“Hey I think we already introduced each other, but why not one more time?” said Jaune as Ren Nods reaches to his hand and lightly shakes it, a small smile gracing his lips.

“Ok then, I am Lie Ren Pleasure to meet you partner” Ren introduced himself to his now partner.

“Jaune arc, and same here partner” said Jaune with ease, but within his mind is another story.

‘Ren, why… why Ren I’m trying not to mess up your chances for a better future for you, but why? Why this? Why now? Why try to be close to me? It's better to just leave me, to avoid me like the plague just please leave for your sake, go find Nora and be partners and just…’ but his train of thoughts were stopped to a halt due to Ren speaking to him.

“So Jaune, are you going to let go of my hand anytime soon? I'm flattered, but sorry, I don't swing that way? He said with a small teasing smirk appearing on his face with Jaune instantly letting go in a comedic motion.

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