Adapt within the altering or anguish within desire

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The group of eight ran a distance away but the two grimm majors were on their tails.

"They're gaining on us, what do we do!?"

Yelled out Pyrrha looking over her shoulder at the sight of two Grimm Majors after them gaining momentum.

Jaune looks around To see what he can. Do at the moment but then see a building that seemed old and unwarranted but yet still seemingly Looking sturdy.

"There we can try to split them there!"

Ruby notified the group as they saw a rickety structure looking as if it's on its last legs, Weiss on the other hand.

"Are you insane!?"

She could conclude loudly against such an idea.

" No she's right, the best course of action should be to separate the two so that we won't be in each other's way and cause a higher plausibility of us becoming Grimm chow"

Jaune clarified to them between breaths with all but Weiss nodding in agreement as she could only grumble under her breath indignantly.

They then separated into two groups of four.

"What the hell! Ruby?"

Yang could only look at her younger sister while she ran at the distance separated from...her.

' Why does it feel like she's leaving me behind?'

Yang could only think of why such a large gap between her and her sister appeared...has it always been there but she didn't notice or didn't choose to notice it until now.

She doesn't know what but something feels different about her sister,something

" The Death stalker is on us!" yelled out Blake at attention of the others getting Yang out of her stupor with the attention from Weiss and Pyrrha.

They stopped on their Tracks and turned around as a high pitched screech was heard causing everyone of them to close their ears Blake Being the most obviously affected by the blood curdling screech.

With Jaune, Ren, Ruby and Nora head towards the building but the grimm Major was able to get ahead of them destroying the bridge that connects to the Building.

Turning around facing the flying grimm major as the grimm caws the caw sounding as if was mixed with a blood curdling scream.

The sound causes them to involuntarily shiver instinctively.

Jaune unsheathed Crocea Mors, sounding like metal cutting air and changing his sheath into a kite shield.

This caused the rest to follow suit, Ruby unfolding Crescent Rose into its scythe form, Ren taking out his twin pistols Storm Flower, and Nora taking out Magnhild in its Warhammer form.

Then the Nevermore raised its wings and threw them forward, a strong gust of wind followed as some feathers were carried by the wind.

"What are the feathers even going to do?"

Asked Nora in curiosity. And to silently answer Her question one of the feathers went past the boulder but it seemed fine as if nothing happened.

"So their just for threats then"

But seconds later she said that the giant boulder next to them was cleanly cut in half as it was slowly sliding off.


Was the only Thing she could let out as they looked back at the Nevermore with a new sense of weariness.

But then it did the same action from before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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