Saving Him

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It was a dark night in New York, not even the stars hadn't shown themselves.

The turtle brothers sat on an abandoned storage unit by an old unused dock on the water, the turtles sat on a storage unit waiting on Donnie to track some purple dragons that his device beeped to trouble nearby, but was finding nothing.

"Donnie, when are we gonna find these guys?" Leo asked,

"Soon, my tracker is still tracking where these guys are" Donnie said pressing buttons and going in circles, when they heard voices on the other side near the dock,

"Guys" Donnie whispered-yelled, the brothers looked over the storage unit and saw about ten guys in a circle waiting,

"Why aren't they doing anything?" Raph asked, they all shrugged and waited a little longer but they only spoke, Leo leaned in a little closer trying to hear what they had to say,

"Hey, so... when is this boat for the mermaid thing coming?" One thug asked leaning against the wall, the leader shrugged as he looked out into the water,

"It should be soon" he said,

The turtles looked at each other, "a mermaid?" Mikey said getting excited

"Mikey, it is a known fact mermaids cannot exist, they're mostly mistaken by crazy sailormen" Donnie explained, pulling out binoculars and looked through them watching the thugs,

"Well let's get them before the boat comes" Raph said, pulling out his sais but Leo hit his chest,

"No, we need a plan" Leo said, Raph rolled his eyes, Mikey was wondering off when he saw a small ripple in the water, he squinted his eyes and leaned closer but slipped his foot, he yelled as his brothers called his name and landed on his stomach, the thugs looked up and saw Mikey slowly getting up,

"Hey, it's those turtle freaks!" The leader yelled, pulling out their weapons, the turtles jumped down, weapons ready and ran at them, Raph fought off a couple thugs punching their faces and hitting one from behind,

Leo kicked a thug in the gut making him fall on another, both unconcious, Donnie blocked a bat with his staff and kicked the guy back as another was coming up behind him,

"Donnie look out!" Mikey yelled as the thug held a machete aboit to attack Donnie, but Mikey ran in front of him and blocked it with his chains, the thug growled and threw Mikey onto the dock,

"Mikey!" His brothers yelled in unison as more thugs came out of the shadows and pinned them down, the leader smiled as Mikey tried to get up but the thug held him down,

"My turn" he said, holding up the machete and hitting Mikey's shell, he screamed in pain as his brothers yelled his name trying to get out of their grip, the leader laughed and held up the machete again when he heard a soft, angelic voice in the distance he stopped and everyone looked around, the melody was heard again,

"Who's there?" The thug yelled, but silence the thug growled and held up the machete again, when a splash and scream came up following a body of a a head of hair and giant fish tail, taking the thug with it into the water, the thug tried to swim up,

"Help me, you idiots!" He yelled before a hand with black nails pulled him back under by the hair, bubbles floatung to the surface, after about a minute the bubbles stopped and another splash was heard as the body hit the dock, blood all over him, the thugs stood in shock but soon ran away leaving the body,

"Mikey!" The turtles yelled in unison again running to their brothers side, Donnie looked at Mikey's shell, blood oozing out,

"I don't understand, our shells are strong that machete had to be extremely sharp to go through it" Donnie explained,

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