Teach Her To What?!

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"You want to teach her to what now?" Leo asks, crossing his arms and looking at Donnie in utter confusion, Donnie's smile grew and held up a child's card game,

"To talk!" He said, "that way we can actually talk to her in English rather than listen to her hums and whistles" Leo looked to the mermaid, she was reading another one of Mikey's "Thor" comics in a daze,

"Fine, but I don't know if it'll work well" Leo said, but Donnie was too excited and speed-walked towards Rose, he tapped her shoulder, she looked up at him and smiled. Donnie, then, held up the cards and pointed at the drawn figure running,

"Can I teach you English?" He asked, stupid question to ask, but worth a shot, Rose tilted her head and studied the picture, pointing to his legs, she whistled and hummed,

"Running" Donnie said, Rose was still confused, Donnie began to form his lips, "rrr-" he pronounced, Rose tried her best to form the same with her lips and tried making the sound he made, no avail.

"Try again" Donnie encouraged, "rrr- running" he pronounced again, but this time slower, Rose tried again, but couldn't get her Rs quite right, so Donnie moved on to another word that would be easier.

^^^^***^^^^ couple hours later

Teaching Rose to speak went on for a while, and she was getting better, Donnie showed her a way to pronounce her H by taking the palm of his hand and huffed, sounding the H, Rose was impressed, Donnie moved her palm to her face and nodded,

"Now do what I did" he said, Rose breathed in and huffed onto her hand Donnie nodded and Rose squeaked with joy, Donnie then held up a picture of a faceless head with hair pointing to it, "now, hhhaaiirr" he pronounced slowly,

Rose nodded, and huffed, "hhh-aa-ir" Donnie smiled, "Yes! You said hair" he began to get excited and this made Rose happy, she squeaked again and swished her tail around, both acting like children.

Raph sat at the kitchen table watching from afar, smiling and shaking his head. Mikey was smiling to himself as well and swaying happily back and forth for Rose's victory.


It had been days since Donnie was teaching Rose to speak and she was finally able to say a few words on her own, obviously Mikey had to teach her the word "pizza" even though she had no idea what it was.

"Leo" Donnie said, pointing towards Leo, he smiled. Rose held her tongue against the roof of her mouth

"L-Ll-Leeeooo" she struggled, the turtles smiled,

"Nice Rose" Leo said, Rose giggled her excitement

"Now" Donnie pointed to Mikey, "Mikey" he pronounced. Rose pressed her lips together, "M-Mikeeyy"

"That's right" Mikey said nodding, Rose smiled and breathed relief.

Finally, Donnie pointed to Raph, "Raph" he said, Rose breathed in "Rrrr-rr...Rrraaph" she pronounced slowly, still struggling with her R's a little.

"Not bad" Raph said folding his arms. Rose smiled and swished her tail side to side, showing off the aqua green and blue shine from her scales.

Donnie continued to teach Rose how to speak easy and subtle words, enough to say short sentences and to communicate with the turtles,  Splinter, and April and Casey.

Yeah, I know it's been a year now since I last updated and I plan on writing more for this story. But please understand that I've been working and going to school full time
(Any nursing students out there?)
So, bear with me in updating, getting ideas, and uploading more chapters, it helps a lot! 💖 thank you my lovelies for adding and voting for my story, more to come!

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