The Payback Rescue

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Rose lay on her stomach on the tire swing giggling and looking through Mikey's comics as he pulled one after another from the box.

Rose was fascinated by the colors and objects on this new thing she had discovered pointing to certain things and showing Mikey.

"You like Thor?" Mikey asked as Rose was looking and smiling at the volume 1 edition to Thor and rested her head in her hand admiring the character more, she sighed.

Donatello finally came out of his lab carrying books on mermaids, "this is some interesting stuff" he said as he set them on the coffee table and saw Rose lying on the tire swing out of water.

"Don't let her stay out too long or she'll turn to sand" Don warned, but Mikey waved his hand at him "Yeah yeah chillax big bro" he said dazing into a comic.

Leo and Raph came in to the living room looking at Rose and then to Don, "So what did you find out about her?" Leo asked.

Don smiled "I'm glad you asked" he picked up one of the books and opened it to a random page, "it says here that if she stays out too long she'll turn to sand, she can talk to fish, and not really the greatest at speech of course and they lure sailors in from their singing only to kill them, but their whole job really is to protect the sea, but it's become harder due to waste and all that" Donnie explained.

Raph raised an eyebrow, "any usefull information?" He asked, Don sighed,

"Not really, mermaids today are known as a myth not a real thing" he went on.

They turned their heads as Rose giggled at a funny picture in a comic when she abruptly stopped, her face was still, her eyes wide, and mouth slightly gaped open, she didn't move.

"Rose?" Mikey asked, waving a hand infront of her face but she showed no emotion at all. She blinked and squealed jumping from the tire swing to the water.

"Hey! Wait!" Leo yelled grabbing her wrist before she could get away, Rose looked at him with worry in her eyes, she quickly held her breathe and grabbed onto Leo's head closing her eyes.

A flash of white light went through Leo's head it faded as he saw another mermaid, a male this time, stuck in a tank.

Then a man in a lab coat and curly hair stood in front of it holding a needle and syringe, he began to laugh evily. The flash of white light consumed the vision and before Leo could do anything, Rose was gone.

"Where did she go?" He asked, looking to his brothers, they looked over into the water and saw nothing.

"What happened?" Don asked

Leo stood in shock for a moment until he came back to reality, "she showed me a vision," he said.

His brothers were curious, "there was another mermaid-er- like merman" Leo began, "and he was in some tank and a man in a lab coat was holding a syringe."

His brothers looked at with surprise, "do you think its?" Mikey stopped looking at his brothers, Raph's eyes slowly turned to anger and irritation,

"Stockman..." he said.

○○○○○somewhere in the ocean○○○○○

Rose swam around and whistled and hummed to other fish asking for help on where Luca had gone, but the fish only gave her bubbles in sign of no.

Rose sighed until she heard a loud horn in the distance, it made her jump and hold her ears. Swimming up only to where her eyes were above the surface she saw a boat with a giant net hanging from it and the same guys she had encountered with when she saved the turtles.

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