The Plan to Capture

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*Stockman's lab*

Stockman stood over his metal table full of bottles and vials, drawing out a blueprint of a submarine.

Stockman was furious when the purple dragons, he payed, to bring a mermaid back to his lab to test on after hearing from a long lost friend that he saw one near the docs looking over the city,

he didn't believe his friend at first until he saw the picture, the black outline of the mermaid sitting on the doc looking at New York and the colorful skyline in the background, Stockman had to have the mermaid in his lab to test on or even sell to the public and become rich.

Since the purple dragons couldn't do a simple job Stockman decided to take matters into his own hands.

Creating a special tracker to track down specific creatures he tested it out by putting a subject into water and turned it on, sure enough a blue dot shown on the radar and Stockman grinned grabbing his lab coat and walking out the lab.

(Sometime later)

Stockman untied the ropes from the doc and turned on the submarine and closed the port, sinking into the endless ocean.

For quite sometime Stockman looked and watched his radar, waiting for a beep or some kind of siren, he looked up through the window only to see fish and other underwater plants.

He began to grow impatient.


A blue dot appeared on the radar, Stockman gasped and looked closely at the radar, he wasn't to far from his prize.

He shifted into full speed pressing a button for a net to come out of the top of the submarine, Stockman grinned evily when he saw a dark blue tail.

Stockman looked at the radar and sure enough it was it, "i have you now" he grinned, he shot the net out capturing the mermaid, Stockman went to the surface for a better look and was surprised to see it was...

A guy mermaid...

"What?!" He yelled confused, the mermaid struggled and tried to pry open the net but to no avail.

Stockman sighed, "it will have to do" he said smiling, thinking maybe it can attract more mermaids as time passed on.

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