𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐼𝐼 - 𝒴𝓊𝓀𝒾, 𝒪𝓈𝒶𝓀𝒶, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒯𝒶𝓀𝑜𝓎𝒶𝓀𝒾

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In your hotel bedroom, Yuki casually settled down onto the bed, dressed in a black sleeveless top paired with blue jeans. As you begin to unpack your rucksack, her keen gaze follows your every move until a grin breaks out on her face. "So... you're the rising star of Tokyo, huh? I've heard quite a bit about you. In just a few months, you achieved Grade 1 Sorcerer, vanquished countless Special Grade Curses, learnt Reverse Cursed Technique, cracked the Akihabara Execution case, thwarted the Jujutsu High bomb plot, and the accolades continue. Are these tales I've heard true, or are they merely false rumours circling around from Gojo's big mouth?"

"They're all true – except that it took me a year to achieve Grade 1," you replied, preoccupied in figuring out which way the USB charging cable aligns with the wall socket.

"Still just as impressive. Even Gojo himself couldn't solve the Akihabara case," Yuki remarks, looking genuinely impressed. "So, what was the outcome of that case anyway? I heard it caused a lot of trouble for Jujutsu High."

"The creepy sorcerer mastermind behind it all had his killers wear maid outfits and stroll around Akihabara, luring people into their shops. Once inside, they beheaded their victims and displayed their bodies around the densely populated areas of Akihabara. It was like some sort of weird cult ritual."

"And why wasn't there any blood or fingerprints? That's the part that got everyone including Gojo scratching their head."

"They used a special adaptation of Reversed Cursed Technique to mask the evidence, removing trace, scent, and visibility – an eerily similar technique to the one Shoko used to forge my katana, Invisible Air," you explain, gently placing your weapon beside the bed. "All I had to do was reverse the RCT on the corpses using my own RCT which undid the concealment technique. As it turns out, the puppeteer pulling the strings was none other than the owner of M's."

"M's? The owner of that world famous 7-floor adult toy store right in the middle of Akihabara?"

"Yeah, that's the one."

"Wow. Not even I would have thought of using RCT to reverse the technique. You're pretty good at this detective stuff," she smiles. "You remind of a manga protagonist."

"Manga... protagonist...?"

"Yeah! You know, like Sailor Moon, Luffy, Ichigo Kurosaki. You're like a hero."

You give her a sceptical look after a brief pause. "I'm hardly a hero. I'm just here to get the mission done and head back to Tokyo as soon as possible," you reply without much emotion, unpacking your toothbrush and placing it by the sink. "Besides... my Cursed Technique is far from being 'heroic'..."

Yuki lets out a light-hearted sigh and chuckles as she lays back on your bed. "Gojo did warn me of your 'moody' tendencies."

You roll your eyes, picturing the obnoxiously smug face Gojo would make while saying that. "Did that blindfolded idiot say anything else about me?"

"He said you had a pretty face," Yuki smirks. "He wasn't wrong."


"Spill the beans, Y/N. What's the secret to being so good looking?" she teases, finding your flustered reaction hilarious.

"Dunno... good genes..." you reply shyly, hiding your face behind the cupboard as you hang your night clothes up.

"Good genes, huh? Lucky you. Let's hope your fighting skills match up to your good looks," she says with high hopes, as she sits herself up on your bed. "You know, you're surprisingly down-to-earth. I half expected 'Tokyo's Prodigy Student' to be all stoic and a suck-up to Jujutsu High. I'm glad though – it's refreshing."

My Type of Woman ♥︎ | Yuki x Reader Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now