Chapter 2

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The Crash


Running across the street glancing back and forth for oncoming traffic, entering the park running around the fenced off field making my way through a gap in the fence, arriving at the ship blue and orange fire surrounds it. The craft was broken apart, pieces of it scattered across the field. taking a step forward placing a hand on the craft feeling that a panel was loose I began pull the panel back, Ripping it off with some effort dropping it to the ground.

Looking into the ship, sparks flew onto my face swiftly. I brushed it off while pulling my head back wiping it roughly exclaiming, "Ow!" I waited for a moment before Looking back into the ship, noticing that it almost looked like a very compact mobile home. Reaching my head inside, looking around inside I notice someone in the cockpit. I called out "hey! Are you alright in there? Can you hear me?" They groaned out but didn't say anything distinct, I asked again "can you move?" hearing a whisper in a feminine voice from the figure, "n-no..." sighing to myself I began to crawl into the cramped ship while thinking to myself, 'I cant believe im doing this..." Inspecting the surroundings you can tell that shes been living in here for a while with rations strewn across the ground along with a small bed tucked away int the corner crawling into the cockpit I find...

A small protogen around 4ft sitting on the lone seat impaled in the gut by a small piece of ship debris her visor is cracked while the light orange that depicted her pained filled expression faded in and out she proclaimed in a weak tone, "hi

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A small protogen around 4ft sitting on the lone seat impaled in the gut by a small piece of ship debris her visor is cracked while the light orange that depicted her pained filled expression faded in and out she proclaimed in a weak tone, "hi..." chuckling lightly until the visor glitched causing her to groan in pain.

I proclaim while readying myself for what I have to do, "ok so this might hurt im gonna pull it out... hold onto something" finishing my sentence she grabs hold of my shoulder while I grab hold of the piece of shrap metal she grabbed onto my hand as well grunting softly, Slowly I began to pull the metal out of her stomach she groaned from the pain until I eventually rip it out of her, she screamed out in agony while her blood trickled down to the ground. She exclaimed out of breath, "i-in the back g-get my medkit... it's in the medicine cabinet..." Crawling me way back while pushing a sliding door open you find an extremely small bathroom opening the cabinet above the sink, grabbing hold of the first aid kit, turning back I noticed the protogen pull out a small glowing red card out of the console and place it somewhere on her.

Crawling my way back to the front I handed her the medkit, she ripped it open taking out a what seems to be a sealant as she points it to the hole in her gut causing foam to cover it up sealing it while grunting in pain. She looks back towards me sighing in relief the lights on her visor beginning to fade for longer moments at a time while she proclaims exhausted "thank... you..." as the visor shuts off completely, as her body went limp. I shook her seat attempting to jostle her awake exclaiming "wait a second! Get up, wake up dont die now!" taking off my coat I wrapped it around her, as I picked her up she's quite heavy for her size around the weight of a large dog.

Making my way back out hole climbed from walking out of the ship holding her in my arms, I looked over to the street seeing a fire truck and the police arriving on the scene. Taking a step towards them I pondered to myself " well... If I bring her to them they could probably help her... then again she just crashed and might question her... or even worse." taking a few steps away from the officers I sigh aloud telling myself "this is stupid even for me..." I walked away, finding a different exit from the baseball field. My coat covered the mysterious little friend in my arms walking through the barren park. I pondered, "what is she? She looks like one of those protogens I saw on the ads but she came from the sky and... what did she grab earlier? I know she grabbed something... but where'd she put it?"

Looking around I find a bench placing her atop it, laying her down on her back moving my coat to the side. Getting a good look at her the snow slowly falling around her, finding a small kit on her lower back taking it off she lays down much easier. Placing it beside her I begin my investigation, pulling out my phone. It was at 100% changed, remarking to myself "but I never... never mind deal with it later." and turning on the flashlight rummaging through her pockets pushing her limp arms around searching for the card tapping onto the screen on her left arm accidentally causing the kit to exhale a light red steam, as a click occurs and lets the small red card click out.

Taking it out inspecting it made of glass glowing a light red color reading the card it states "failsafe-03" I whispered "Failsafe? Failsafe for what?" looking towards her I only gainned more questions... Placing the card into my back pocket placing the kit atop her as well as my coat blanketed her I picked her back up and continued my way home... Walking through the park the snow lightly falls around me as I exiting the park and walked along the sidewalk I glance over towards the crash site seeing fire fighters wash away the flames that now engulf the craft.

Sighing to myself I look down at my coat, continuing across the street entering the apartment building, heading back up to my apartment struggling with the nob. Using my foot to close the door behind me, walking over to the couch setting her down, removing the coat I take the kit and place it on the kitchen counter.
Heading to my room I hid the card behind my PC heading back into the living room watching her I feeling a chill run down my spine, looking over to the front door seeing it slowly creak open. I walked over closing and locking it and sighing to myself staring at the door a few moments later a bright orange light slowly envelops the living room. Squinting my eyes I looked back at an orange aura surrounding the small protogen. I watched in astonishment as the aura repairs her visor, her clothes renewing looking brand new, as the wound in her stomach closes up and recovers in perfect condition. I say aloud dumbfounded "I don't think protogens could do that... What the hell are you..?

-Meanwhile Atop the apartment rooftop-

Snow falls peacefully, the stars twinkle in the clear midnight sky. until suddenly disturbed the snow beginning to spiral within the wind the stars shift until a vortex-like portal opens, out stepped a large gray wolf, his appearance hidden by the shadows of the adjacent building he tapped the device on his arm looking over to the wreckage of Eva's ship he sighed to himself and exclaimed "well it seems you know how to make an entrance... now where are you? Anomaly..." his eyes open showing a bright red crimson glow as he looks upon the town before him.

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