Chapter 8

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Burnt out


Walking up the stairs trying my best to not collapse at the double time I put myself through that allowed me to leave early once I reached my floor I fell up the stairs and collapse on the ground victorious exclaiming in the most monotone voice I could muster "Yay!..." while fist bumping up into the air, I took a moment to collect myself until using any remaining determination I have left to push myself up off the ground and walked over to my apartment door I reached for my keys fondling through them until unlocking the door pulling it open I slothed my way inside glancing towards Eva bending down picking up something her black panties at complete display to me, without paying any mind I kicked my shoes off slmping my coat off letting it fall to the floor and walked into the living room, until I did a double take peering my head back into the bathroom seeing...

" while fist bumping up into the air, I took a moment to collect myself until using any remaining determination I have left to push myself up off the ground and walked over to my apartment door I reached for my keys fondling through them until unl...

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My nose bled for a moment until I collected myself and looked away a little embarrassed and not wanting to disturb her I took a seat and turned on the Tv, as it turned on still muted It depicted a graphic sex scene between multiple different protogens and a human, one of the protogens were kissing him as another rides his cock and the third nuzzled against his chest. I swiftly shut off the Tv swiftly getting aroused with all the suggestive things seemingly always around the corner. I looked over to the bathroom door to see Eva walk out and finally notice me, while she ran towards me and give me a hug my eyes trailed to her near bottomless bottom until quickly averting my gaze she asked "When did you get inside?" I remarked "I kinda just let myself in I have two keys..." she giggled and game me a warm smile until it shifted to one of concern, she asked while reaching up to couple my face "hey... you have bags over your eyes are you alright?" I chuckled while grabbing her arm reassuring her "yeah... Im fine just a rough day... here let me make us something!" I attempt to get up but my back spiked with pain causing me to fall onto the couch grunting while reeling back in agony.

Eva worried asked "Hey! Are you alright?" I grunted out a response "yeah... im fine... just my back hurts really bad right now..." she thought for a moment until asking "could you lay on your belly?" I nodded as she helped me onto my stomach. Laying down I felt nothing until I felt evas hands slowly push onto my back causing me to blush she began to push upwards moving my shirt up and out of the way. She began to massage my back nicely it was a little rough but good intentions until she asked "feeling better?" I remarked, groaning "n-not necessarily... your a little rough and I don't think my dry back is helping..." her ears drooped until a saw I hint of resolve in her visor as she asked "do you have rubbing oil?" I pointed towards the bathroom replying "it's in the medicine cabinet," she got up and headed to the bathroom until she came back out a minute later with a clean towel and the rubbing oil, I felt a bit nervous until she asked me "could you take off your jacket and shirt?" I tried to defend myself "you know Eva you don't have too I'm fine! It happens all the time," she narrowed her eyes and repeated more commandingly "take off your shirt please I insist I help..." I gulped and blushed sitting up I pulled off my jacket resting it on the couch then took off my shirt the first time my chest was bare in front of a girl, noticing Eva blushing watching me intensely with her grip on the towel and oil increasing resulting the cap from the oil to pop open she swiftly laid the towel under me hastily asking "please lay down!"

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