No Way Out

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It took a while for me to update the story, I was really busy! And, I finally found and published the prologue chapter I had written earlier, so if you read it, the story will be more clear to you! Anyway, this chapter is about how I believed what the media said and became upset, thinking that Axl is not a good person. This chapter is kinda short, hope you like it!

Now, I don't want to speak. Now, I don't want to be with him. Now, I don't want to care for him. Now, I don't want to love him. But I wish I knew that there was no way to stop myself from loving him before I let him in. No way.

I didn't talk to him even once yesterday. I'm not going to talk to him even once today. He doesn't talk to me as well. He gets out, to the freezing cold. He just disappears for the rest of the day.

At night, he comes back. I open the door, he rushes inside, running away from the cold. Then, he starts shouting at me. I don't know what to do, my heart is like an innocent child's, unfamiliar with fights. He asks why I don't talk to him, he says that I betrayed him, he says that I hurt him. Then, I tell him about the papers I read.

We listen to the breeze coming from outside for a while, we don't speak. I look at him, he doesn't look at me. Then, he opens his mouth, "You believed it?" he says. He looks at me as if I'm a monster that hurt him mercilessly. I feel my cheeks burning as I get angry, at him. "So it's my fault?!" I scream and he jumps. "You just came into my house with no explanation, Axl!" I continue. "These papers are the only information I have about you, how could I not believe it?! Plus, these papers tell what everyone thinks of you!"

But Axl doesn't step back. "So you believed that I broke up the whole band?!" he yells. "That band was my life, did the papers say that?!" he continues, and I slowly move away from him. "Those guys in the band, they were my best friends, did the papers say that?!" He steps towards me. "Oh and, you believed that I was a wife-beater asshole that ruined everyone's lives?!"

I feel my hot tears spilling to my cheeks. "I don't know why I let you in here. I really don't." I say, but it sounds more like a whisper. I can't see him because of the blur on my eyes. He comes near me. "I can't be with you." I say. "I can't love you, Axl..." I continue crying, I know that I haven't felt such thing before. I feel like everything is over, it's too late. If I was born at the right place and time, it would have been possible. But now, I feel that it is not possible. I wish I could go back, and stop him from doing the things he has done. I wish I could go back to the right time.

I cry, and he talks to me softly. "Don't cry..." he touches my hand. "Something is changing inside you, don't you know honey?" I feel my heart beating faster, and with passion. "Shh, love..." he gives me a whisper, and wipes away my tears. "You're gonna make it your own way. But you'll be alright now sugar..." He continues. "You'll feel better tomorrow." I sigh deeply. "Come to morning light now baby..."Then, he holds me and lays me down. I fall asleep in his arms, hoping to dream about us, hearing that familiar melody once again.

When the morning light comes, we wake up. I feel his arms around me, his chin on my head. He looks down and says: "Do you want to know me?" I nod. "I will tell you, I will tell you everything." he says. "I will teach you the truth."

I trust him, I really feel better. I love him, I really see the world brighter. I am not scared now, I have him. This is a new beginning for my heart, a new beginning to my whole life. I don't know what he will lead me to. But it's okay. I let him inside my house, I let him into my heart, and there is no way for him to get out.

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