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I jolt awake within the night in a cold sweat. Another nightmare. As soon as I close my eyes it feels like I'm watching their accident over and over again. I take a deep breath in and out before climbing out of bed and going downstairs. Water won't hurt. 

While I make my way downstairs, I can hear a television on in the background. Alex is probably still up playing video games with Kiley. When going to the kitchen, I walked past his room but him and Nathan were fast asleep. Weird. When I'm in the kitchen, the sound is still going. I choose to ignore it. I pour myself some water and plop some ice into it before drinking it down straight away. Clearly, I was thirsty.

I make my way towards the stairs before noticing a light shining from the living room. As soon as I walk in there, a familiar face greets me. Danny. "Can't sleep?" I ask him. "No, actually. I come down here to watch movies. It's really, the only opportunity I get." Danny responds. I give him a smile, "You into movies and stuff then?" He returns the smile. "Not exactly movies; per se. I'm definitely more into theatre. Did you see any shows back in New York?" I sigh. "All the time. I'll have to bring you to one, one day." He nods. "I better get to bed. I'll see you in the morning." I say to him. "Yeah, night!" He says back.


As I go over to my locker, I see Cole and Erin making out, right next to it. I genuinely want to gag. I had had the worst morning. My favourite flower vase had been smashed, I stayed up till dawn because I was too scared to sleep & now the guy who stood me up is making out next to my locker with the girl he stood me up with. Great. 

I go over to there and begin swapping my books out, avoiding as much eye contact with them as possible. Uh oh. Too late. I had caught dead eye contact with Cole. "Oh, are we bugging you New York?" He questioned. "Dear God no! You two lovebirds get right back at it." I roll my eyes before slamming the locker door, enough to make Erin jump. "What a dirtbag." I whisper to myself.

From behind me though, footsteps approach. All of a sudden, there's a hand grabbing onto my own. "Have I upset you, New York?" A familiar voice asks me before letting go of my head. I don't even answer him. I just turn my head around and give him my 'be so for real' face. "Look, I'm sorry for last night, El. Let me make it up to you." Again, I don't respond. This time I look him up and down. "Come with me to this thing at the Lake house. It'll be great. We're leaving in 20." Dude. "You asking me to ditch with you, again?" Is all I can say. "Indeed I am, New York. You really gonna miss out on that opportunity?" I giggle to myself. Christ, he wasn't even funny, I just couldn't help myself. "Fine, I'll come." I decide. I mean, last time wasn't so bad, why won't this time be? His grin widens. "Meet me out in the parking lot. Danny will be there too."


The lake house looked like something out of a movie. It looked gorgeous, and when you went out back the gorgeousness view was even better than I could've imagined. There were like 15 people there and everyone was just messing around, enjoying themselves with their friends. The moment I sat down though, Erin was on my back. She kept on making comments on how I couldn't take a drink and how much of a pussy I am. She's honestly laughable.

I was ignoring it and ignoring until she felt the need to announce to everyone that I wasn't drinking to impress Cole. Baffles me how self control can impress somebody. Also baffles me as to why that ticked me off so much. I finally took a drink. And then another. And then another. I've been avoiding this for the past 4 months. That's how long I'd been clean.

Later on, one of Cole's friends announces he's going skinny dipping and offers for anyone to join him. A few girls go with him. When he begins taking his stuff off, a jersey with a special number imprinted makes everyone go silent. All heads turn over to Cole. Dylan decides to break the silence. "Hey man, nobody's designated numbers. I take your position I guess I take your number too." And I thought Cole was a dick. Cole didn't have much to say. All he did was say he gonna go prepare a fire before walking off.

Not one of his friends went after him. Only me and his brother decided to go looking for him. Once I'd found him I told Danny I could sort him out. As I hobble over towards him, I begin talking. "Never imagined you as the angry lumberjack type." He, slightly, smiles. "Is that New York telling a joke?" I giggle. "Maybe~." He chuckles to himself. "The joke wasn't that funny, Cole." I slur. "Are we intoxicated, Eloise?" He carries on chuckling. "No! I would never ever do that. Not after last time!" I defend myself. "And what happened last time, huh?" Cole asks me. "It's a story for another time." I whisper, as if the trees were listening in. "Another time then." He repeats before taking the cup out of my hand and taking a sip for himself. "Hey! That's mine Cole~!" I exclaim. "And now it's mine, New York. Right, take these up to the fire pit." He tells me. "Aye aye captain." I roll my eyes with a smile while taking the wood he was handing to me and bringing it up to the others.


Again, a little while later, everybody decides to play truth or dare. They all had their own weird version of it that got everybody excited. Basically you had to do your truth/dare or you had to kiss the person on your left. While everyone was gathering in a circle around the firepit, I decide to go and get another drink. God knows how many I had had that night. As I stumble over there, I feel a tight grasp against my hip. "I think we've had enough to drink tonight New York, let's go play." Cole say's. I didn't even protest, I just followed him.

"I think it's time for Eloise's go." Erin smirks. She was up to something, as per usual."I'm ready." I grin back at her. "Truth or dare, Eloise?" She ask's. "Dare." I reply. "I dare you to, hm, I dare you to have another shot." She tells me. "Is that it?" I laugh. "Mhm." Erin says. Cole looks at me, "I don't think that's a good idea, New York." He whispers to me. "You're not my dad." I sarcastically whisper back. "And you're not having another drink." He states. "Oh yes I am." I protest. "No, you're not." He argues back. "Aww, you not gonna do it?" Erin asks, her smug look of accomplishment bugging me every time I looked over at her. "Give her another dare, Erin." He says for me. "Cole, that's not how it works. She clearly has to forfeit and kiss you!" Olivia buts in. Erin's smug look had begin to turn angry. She gave Olivia a hard nudge. This'll bug her so much, I had to do it.Fine with me." I shrug. There were daggers in Erins eyes.

"We're going home." Cole announces. Everyone starts complaining. "Don't be like that Cole!" One of his friends says. "What. No!" I tell him. "You really don't wanna kiss me you'd rather go home?" He looks at me, ignoring everyone else. "You're too drunk, El. I'm not having this conversation with you. Let's go." He muttered before walking up to the car. I didn't go with him, I just watched him leave until Danny was next to me. "It's getting late, El. We may as well leave before it gets dark." He says before following behind Cole. I groaned, following behind the two of them.

𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐄 ━ Cole Walter. ¹Where stories live. Discover now