Day of The Dead

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Cedar stared at you as you towered over her. Your appearance in the face reminded her of her friends, who were twins, but the way you dressed and the eyes, and the general aura didn't match.

Y/N: Hey, have we met before?

Cedar wasn't sure.

Cupid: Y/N.

You looked to Cupid and smiled.

Y/N: Hey, love bird. What're you doing back so soon? Thought you said your new school didn't like you visiting too much.

Though the situation was tense and Cupid was still internally freaking out, she jumped to her feet and hugged you tightly. For some reason, your presence made her feel like everything will be alright.

You gently hugged her back, feeling her shake.

Y/N: Oh. It's that kind of visit.

Cupid: The Storybook world is in danger.

The table tensed with Draculaura seeing Cedar's frown.

Draculaura: Cedar?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Cupid: The Storybook world is all about fairytales and magic. It has some monsters, sure, but about the closest things to monsters are the trolls or dragons that are key to the stories. Nothing like ghosts and the undead. But, somehow, there was a zombie outbreak in Ever After High, and everyone on that campus except Cedar and I were turned into zombies. And the thing is that zombies don't belong in Ever After. That's not a part of any of the stories, and it's something completely different from here. They were violent, and chaotic, and almost animalistic. Not like any zombie I've met here. Nothing like Ghoulia.

Cupid tried to not gesture too much.

Cupid: All of our friends just see us as something to chase. They don't remember us. They don't care if they hurt us.

Cedar held out her right arm. The whole table focused on the scratches in Cedar's arm.

Cupid: Cedar didn't turn because she's a puppet, and I was already avoiding any contact with the zombies when I realized what was going on. We have no idea how it started in the first place, just a small few details, but not enough to give us an answer.

Cupid looked to Cleo.

Cupid: Cleo, please tell me Ghoulia is just running late for lunch. We need her here, now.

Cleo seemed to deflate as her eyes soften.

Cleo: Cupid, Ghoulia's been in her entry exam for the last hour.

Cupid tensed as her wings ruffled up. She was up-to-date about the super exclusive entry exam for a full-ride scholarship to work with the leading computer science experts in the Monster world, and how Ghoulia had managed to earn a spot for the test being held on campus.

Cupid: That's today?

Frankie: She's been gone since 10, and I don't think the exam is suppose to end until 4.

Cupid: No, no no no. Oh, fairy song, this timing!

She hissed to herself, storming off a bit as she ranted to herself. Cleo and Frankie watch in worry, with the others having their attention on Cedar. You kneeled down beside her.

Y/N: Hey, don't let the time thing get you down. You don't have to worry about your friends with. Ghoulia's about the smartest ghoul on campus, and she knows the know-how about anything. And I got some knowledge myself. Ghoulia will know how to help Ever After and your friends. Believe us.

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