Chapter 2:U-17 Pre-World Cup exhibition

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*Third Person POV*

It was Monday morning, and the U-17 World Cup began today, despite the fact that it was only an exhibition match. Someone close to her invited her to watch, and she gratefully accepted the invitation. She wanted to see him as well.

Sayuri wore a white gown with puffy long sleeves and gold embellishments that faded to a dark blue with starry details at the hems and ends of her sleeves. Her dress's bodice is dark blue that fades to white, with gold accents and trims;

Finally, she is dressed in white ankle boots with light blue nail varnish on her fingers.

She sets everything down

Her grandma and father were already sitting and eating when she entered the dining hall. "Good morning, father, grandmother," she said as she approached her seat. "Good morning, my dear," said her granny. "Are you going somewhere, Sayuri?" her father inquired as she nodded "Yes, Father Neuvillette invited me to watch the exhibition match between Japan and Germany," she said. Her father nodded and resumed eating.

Sayuri went to the stadium after eating breakfast. When their car arrives at the stadium. Because there weren't many people outside, it was probably because everyone is already inside the stadium. When the car comes to a complete halt. Sayuri noticed a lone man near the stadium's entrance. His silver hair has a blue streak running through it. As soon as Sayuri recognises the man,
she brightens.

She ran towards the man and engulfed him in a strong hug as soon as the driver opened the door. "I miss you, Neuvillette," he whispered, her face buried in his chest.

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Despite his stoic exterior, Neuvillette de Fontaine-also referred to as the Duke of Tennis for his honourable tennis style-is a huge softie for the people in his life, especially when it comes to Sayuri. He is a total fan of Otters.

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"I, too, miss you, my lady," he admitted. Sayuri smiled as she looked at him. With a slight smile on his face, he looked at her. "Oh, and before I forget, here," he said, handing her a face mask. "You don't want to be noticed," he continued.

Sayuri accepted and wore it with a nod. Neuvillette bowed slightly and extended his hand to her. "Shall we go, my lady?" Sayuri smiled as she accepted his hand.

"We shall," Neuvillette said as he kissed her hand. "You look beautiful, my lady," Sayuri blushed in response to the compliment. As Neuvillette laughed at Sayuri's reaction, she averted her gaze.

'How cute' he thought

They went inside the stadium and sat at the VIP seat that the organizer arrange for them. Just in time for the exhibition match to begin.

"Pre-U-17 World Cup exhibition match;Germany versus Japan. Welcome both teams!"The announcer said as smoke started to fill the court.

" First, here's team Japan" as the Japan Representatives walks in from the right Gate.

"Next, nine times winners of the World Cup, the defending champion.... " As Team Germany walk in from the left Gate, ".... Team Germany! " the crowd started to shout.


"Nobody's interested in Japan, I see." Oishi nervously said. While kirihara was looking around he suddenly saw someone. "Hey isn't that Yotsuba Sayuri! The number 1 pro tennis who is also the youngest to win 4 grand slam." Kirihara pointed to where Sayuri was seated. His outburst gained not only his team mates attention. It also gained the team Germany and the Audience attention. They turned toward where he was pointing and just like what akaya said. Right there seated among the crowd is the very beautiful tennis player Yotsuba Sayuri in all her glory.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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