Reveals and Copycats

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Katniss took her spot amongst the other tributes as Jessika was now being interviewed.

"Now Jessika you have certainly grown up since your games.The last time you were here, you had just beaten the record for youngest tribute to ever win the games. And now you're engaged to that same person whose record you broke. How does that feel?" Caesar asked as Jessika stood next to him. Everyone in the crowd listened intently as Jessika's answers always seemed to be either very wise or very naive.

"Well you know you always wish that things were different. Because I had a plan to live the rest of my life with the one I love. Just not really in this way." Jessika said. The crowd was a mixture of laughter and awes as she expressed how she had planned her future with Finnick out.

"I bet it was. And such a shame that a beautiful couple like you two won't be able to actually be married." Caesar said giving Jessika a window to announce the truth to the audience.

"Well we actually did get married." Jessika said. The crowd gasped as Jessika held up her hand showing her wedding band? Finnick himself had been fiddling with the band on his finger which people just began to notice and point out.

"A secret marriage?" Caesar asked acting baffled by the news.

"It wasn't really a secret. We just didn't want to have everyone else voicing their opinions on how our relationship should be like so we decided to get married and then once everything was both settled we went ahead with a wedding. But we weren't going out of our way to keep it a secret but we also didn't feel the need to publicly announce our marriage." Jessika explained.

"My, my. What delightful news. Now before our time is up, is there anything that you would like to say?" Caesar mentioned wrapping up their interview.

"Well I would like to say that you are the love of my life. And every second has been a precious blessing. And I want to thank you, because if I win the games that I will always have a piece of you with me." Jessika said rubbing her stomach. She turned to the side showing off her baby bump and the crowd lost it.

"Don't let her go in!"

"Call of the games!"

"She's pregnant she can't die!"

"She's so far along!"

Jessika smiled and waved once more at the crowd who were trying to get her out of the games before she took her spot amongst the other tributes. As she walked she paused as she shared a and shortly held her gaze with Finnick before she stepped up and stood next to Johanna. Somehow the crowd was able to calm down enough that the last tribute was able to onto stage.

Peeta Mellark was the last tribute to be interviewed by Caesar. The 17 year old boy came out in an all white suit, the only color showing being the bronze/gold pocket napkin. His hair was gelled and styled in a way that made him look primly and the structure of his face was more sharp and pronounced. The interview started normally with Peeta and Caesar joking back and forth until Caesar started actually asking questions.

"Well, Peeta, the wedding, the marriage, never to be?" Caesar said.

"Well, actually, we got married." Peeta said making the crowd gasp. "In secret." Jessika looked over at Katniss and saw that the girl got uncomfortable and looked slightly confused confirming to Jessika that Peeta was making everything that he said up doing everything he could to get sponsors or stop the games. At Katniss's expense of course, just like the year before.

"A secret wedding? All right. Do tell."

"We... We want our love to be eternal. You know, Katniss and I, we've been luckier than most. And I wouldn't have any regrets at all, if it weren't... If..." Peeta said as he began to stutter. Jessika mentally shook her head hoping that he wasn't going to say what she thought he was going to say.

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