2. Yellow and Orange are the same thing!

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(colourblind Ted, swearing).

"This is the fourth time this week you've sent your work to my printer Ted" Paul sighed.

"This is the sixth time you've forgotten to get me something from beanies when you get everyone else their drinks" Ted rolled his eyes.

Paul opened his mouth only to be interrupted by Mr Davidson.

"Ted go into the store room and get me the box with the little yellow dot on it!".

"Yes Sir" Ted yelled.

"where is Ted he hasn't harassed or annoyed anyone for like two hours" Bill noticed.

Both Charlotte and Paul simply shrugged, before Paul remembered that Ted had been sent into the storage room and had never left.

With a confused tilt of the head, Paul stopped what he was doing, heading to the storage room not expecting to find Ted sitting on the ground head in his lap.

"W-What's going on in here?" Paul questioned.

"I've been looking for the bloody yellow dot box for ages but I can't find it"

Ted exclaimed with an aggravated sigh.

Paul glared at the box with a clear yellow dot that was sat clearly on the shelf.

"It's the one in the middle there's only one box marked with a Yellow sticky dot, not Orange".

"What the hell are you talking about they're all orange!" Ted exclaimed.

"No, look".

Ted looked at the box Paul was pointing at seeing a orange dot.

"That's Orange!" Ted insisted.

"Ted the middle one's clearly the yellow one, all the others are Orange."

"I- you know what why don't we take the box to Mr Davidson and then head to Beanies and get you an iced caramel frap there's nothing better" Paul reasoned.

"I'm Allergic to caramel" Ted blatantly stated.

"Oh, well we'll find something else" Paul frowned.

Ted and Paul had worked together for years and Paul's response to any uncomfortable situation was to offer an ice caramel frappė, so Paul was starting to contemplate how often he and Ted interacted, and how did he not know that he was allergic to caramel.

Paul's mind continued to spiral into what else he didn't know about Ted as the two entered Beanies.

Ted had a little brother and a reputation for sleeping around, he was often referred to as a sleazeball and a creep, he couldn't figure out how technology worked for the life of him and according to what had happened in the storage room he was seemingly colourblind.


"I'm going to head home, sorry I just- my brother Peter is staying over tonight and I need to clean the place up a bit, see you tomorrow" Ted lied, rushing out of the store without even ordering a drink, leaving behind a very confused Paul.

It was true that Pete was staying the night at Ted's apartment but Pete practically lived there and Ted had no intention of cleaning the place.

Ted walked into his apartment and met with the sight of Pete and Richy sitting on his sofa watching some sorta of nerd movie.

"Hello," Ted threw his keys down on the coffee table heading into his room.

'Ted you could've killed Ruth you know that she needs the pink labelled milk, not the grey one!'.

'Ted are you using my bloody phone charger again, there's coloured tape on the cord how can you keep getting it wrong!'.

'Ted this is the fifth time this week you've sent your work to my printer, COLOURPRINT07 with the little blue dot is your printer, and COLOURPRINT07 with the green dot is mine'.

'Ted the middle one's clearly the yellow one, all the others are orange'.

Ted dragged his hands over his face with an annoyed growl sitting on the edge of his bed grabbing both phone charger chords staring intently at the coloured tape on them not seeing any difference, he kept spinning one of them in his hand his eyes catching tiny writing on it.

Pink it read, Ted tilted his head grabbing the other finding that it said Grey.

"Shit" he swore to himself, pulling his phone out of his pocket opening two tabs looking up both colours seeing no difference.

"Double shit".

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