The Survivor

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This chapter may wander off topic a bit, but everything comes back to that girl. So let me tell you everything, from the beginning of my eighth grade year till now.

I started out strong, Raven and Bubbles still my friends, and acceptance from most teachers. When I say most, I exclude only two, Mr. Brown and Ms. Unique.

Mr. Brown treated all students the same, mostly unfairly, but as hard as he tried, he could not find a reason to dislike me. I did everything I could to make sure I evaded trouble and was almost his star student.

Ms. Unique was different but the same. She treated all students the same, but was not so easily persuaded to lighten up.

And so, my journey began. At the beginning of the year I didn't know where I stood with that girl. She was relatively friendly, but I couldn't tell if she wanted to start something again. She had a friend named Whale, but I knew it wouldn't last. So soon enough Whale dumped her for another girl, Weirdo, who I will introduce later. That girl found another girl, who loved everyone, Dora.

Then the trainwreck of Jake began. So since the beginning of 7th grade, I seemingly hated this boy. We verbally fought continuously, spitting as much venom as we could before someone split us up. I already this Wattpad account when I heard that he had one, so I decided to trick him. I pretended to be a very pretty girl from Australia, who was soon to be moving to Omak. I engaged conversation and as the questions got deeper, I felt guilty and confessed. He claimed he had known the whole time but I doubt it. So I dropped the facade but we continued to talk. Finally one day he asked me out over the messages and I said yes. I don't know what caused me to do it. I didn't like him. I guess I liked the idea of having someone to be with. I was in love with the idea of love. Huge mistake. Everyone told me it was a bad idea but I shrugged them off, thinking they just disagreed with his appearance. Then he started making comments about a lot of gross things I will not mention. After a lot of silence between us, I dumped him in a text message and deleted his number instantly. And with that I didn't like any one else. I believed they were all gross and inconsiderate.

While I sat in limbo, my friends love lives moved on fast. Raven got her boyfriend Dwarf, and they are still together. Bubbles had more relationship drama with Justin and finally broke up with him for the last time. Weeks later he obtained a new 7th grade girlfriend while bubbles crushed on another guy. Unfortunately, the Mockingjay also was crushing on the same guy. They both made me swear not to tell anyone, but soon, they found out. Weirdly, they got mad at me for not telling them, even though I don't break promises. But they smoothed things over a few days later as I had had enough trouble doing that in my younger years.

Then another boy entered my life. But very differently. He was completely obsessed with me. Creighton, once Ravens creepy stalker, was now mine.

Minor events happened throughout the year, such as myself switching from flute to baritone saxophone in band,Weirdo picking on me a lot, and my relationship with the believer as well as Ms. Unique growing stronger. But then a major bombshell hit the whole school. Mr. Brown committed suicide. For about a whole week school just stopped. Everyone was in shock. Eventually we got a long term sub and things went back to normal but it completely destroyed our perfectly normal year.

So many things were crammed in the end of our school year. We were forced through 2 solid weeks of hard testing, Physical education testing, and sex Ed in our science class, as well as many projects in Ms. Unique's class and preparation for 9th grade class elections, in which I was running for president. Then in the last few days, everything seemed to end. I won the presidency, the triangle between bubbles, the Mockingjay and the crush guy paused, and raven and dwarves relationship was still going steady.

Our 8th grade graduation dance was the last major event of that year. Multiple boys asked me to dance more than once. Russian, the boy who played the saxophone beside me and who I had a minor/major crush on, even asked for my number and we have been dating since school got over. The believers night was much different. The crush guy danced with her, but she believed it was only a pity dance. School was over and bubbles and raven went on trips that they are still on, so I only talk to that girl and Russian now. She has provided me with more support than I could ever dream of. And because of what she went through this year, I name her the survivor. She made, despite everything that I did and didn't mention here. Keeping on dreaming Dangirl!

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