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"um... where exactly is this curse supposed to be?" the four first years have been looking around the bridge for hours on end now. By the time the question was finally asked, the sun has already been risen. And with no luck or clues to where to find this demonic creature, the four tired students left to a convenience store near by to refresh themselves with food. The walk was quiet, with occasional yawns being passed around and small mutters of curses under their breaths.

"we couldn't even feel any traces of a curse" the urchin haired boy spoke out, opening his packaged onigiri. "for real? does that mean this is a lost cause and we have to start over?" the manager sighed, probably for the 10th time this morning. "we can't waste too much time" Itadori broke the short silence "this is a famous paranormal spot, right? there may be a lot of others out there who are cursed. and we're looking at 100 percent death rate. We can't afford to let more people die." he finished. "true..." "they were into bungee jumping, right? maybe it has something to do with the act of jumping down?" Nitta suggested. "we already tested that theory with Raiden." Megumi stated calmly, as if it wasn't anything special. "what?! you mean with that plastic cord??? speaking of Raiden... where is she?" baffled with the first year's lack of safety, the older woman couldn't help but notice the absence of the said girl. But before the other 3 could question the absence of their classmate, a familiar voice called out. "hey! there you are! Fushiguro-san!" "who's that again?" "Fushiguro is his senpai. Don't ya remember picking on him?"  "I'm glad I found ya! weren't you talking about Yasohachi bridge?" the boy was out of breath, as if he was searching for the group for weeks. "Fujinuma?" the dark haired boy questioned, noticing a girl behind the boy, causing the 2 nosy first years to question this interaction. "classmate." was all he said, explaining how the two knew each other. "this is my older sister." "I'm glad you still remember me..." she nodded slowly, sweat seemed to be dripping from her forehead, a nervous look played on her face. "I was telling me sis about how I saw you yesterday." the younger boy explained briefly, before glancing at his sister to continue. "um... I saw that the morishita family had a funeral ceremony. My brother was telling me about how you guys are investigating Morishita and the bridge. I thought maybe it was more than a coincidence." she began, Nitta quickly looked at the trio, mouthing a 'no curse talk, got it?' making the group nod in understandment. "what do you mean?" Megumi questioned, trying to avoid any sort of confrontation about the situation with non sorcerers. "I mean that there's a connection with Morishita's death and the bridge." she explained. "It's irrelevant it's just-" "I... during me second year of Junior high... I went to Yasohachi bridge at night." she dropped the bomb, making the group flinch at the news. "anything weird going at home these days? maybe something only you find odd?" Nitta was fast to act, questioning the girl, luring any useful information out of her. "our home is also the local neighborhood store. For whatever reason - and this only happens to me when I come home - The automatic door is wide open. my mom and dad say it's nothing, but there's definitely something there! I've been so scared but then I heard about Fushiguro and I remembered about the bridge." the terrified look on the girl's face set chills running through. "when did you start noticing the door?" the cold voice of Fuyuko spoke out, after a short pause. Her voice caused the group of sorcerers to turn towards her in surprise. "when did you get here? Better question, where were you in the first place?" Megumi interrogated. "doesn't matter. well?" the newly appeared female shot back, before turning to the new face, waiting for her answer. "a week ago. It happens about every other day." she answered, facing the serious looking girl. Her answer made the group of first years to glance at each other. "It's not like you went to Yasohachi bridge alone that night, did you? Do you remember who was with you?" Kugisaki stepped in, however her questioning the poor girl seemed to scare her more. "so... does that mean there's a connection?" she squeaked out. "Just the door. But it's not related to morishita's death! I just got Fushiguro and the others here to help me do some research for a college report! The title's 'electronic waves emitted from paranormal spots and their effect on electronic equipment' It's super boring." Nitta was yet again there to save the day, calming the situation down a notch. "But I wanna talk to as many people as possible, so can you tell me who was with you that night?" and this seemed to work, as the scared female let out a relieved sigh. "I went with two upper classman from my club. Oh yeah, Fushiguro... Tsumiki-san was with me." she explained. Her statement made the said boy paralyze in fear for his sister's life. "okay. I guess I'll ask her about it." he nodded, a deadpan look spread across his face - trying to mask his emotions. and with that the two siblings left, leaving the group alone.

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