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"there is one more thing, that I would like to add to the plan..." the tall man spoke, the unusual scar on his face made him stand out, but it wasn't like anyone could compare themselves to him right not. "oh? and what is it?" the other man... no, the other curse questioned from the beach bed. "before we seal Gojo Satoru, I would like to add someone to this group... he might be of use to us..." he smiled, the uneasy way he did so, made the brain race with ideas. "hm, if you do say so, Getou-kun, I won't resist" the cursed spirit smiled.

"but I must say, it might be a tad bit difficult to find him"

"when you said you'll train me, I didn't think you meant it like this" she dead panned. "what did you expect?" the white haired man questioned. "I actually don't know... probably meditation or something" she thought. "I mean that's what my mother did anyways" Fuyuko added quickly, in wonder. "your mother probably did the same thing as we are doing right now" Gojo explained, sending a punch her way. "what exactly are we doing right now anyways?" she questioned. "well first of all, training the time limit and strength of your domain. and second of all, training you... physically" he spoke as he sent the girl flying. "I would also like to hope that I will teach you to open a domain expansion more than once a day" he added, as he saw the domain start dissolving slightly. "I don't know much about the domain that your clan uses, but I can't say I know nothing of it" he said as he walked towards the girl, who lay under a tree. "Miko told me some stuff about it" she mumbled. "I might have to visit her soon..." she sighed. "she might be more help on telling you what exactly your domain expansion can do, all I can help you with is it's strength and duration" he nodded. "but we'll done with today, we got a record, 5 hours" he smiled.

Since Yuji was sent on a mission with Nanami, Gojo decided that it would be the perfect time for me to train my domain expansion. Since the Raiden clan, was pretty closed off and basically doesn't interact with anyone, despite being one of the top jujutsu clans, the white haired teacher couldn't help much with facts about the domain itself, but as he did say, strengthening the arena was something he could help with. for the past week, all we did was fight, open the domain, fight until it would break, have a break and repeat. "you think I could visit Miko some time?" I questioned, standing up from the ground. "can't really say no can I?" he sighed. "would 2 days be enough for you?" "might stretch it to 3 days, but I'll see what she says" I bargained. "can't have you spending too much time with that woman, we don't have much time, but 3 days is the maximum" the tall man agreed with a nod.

"say, Gojo-sensei..." 'this is the first time she added sensei' the teacher, wiped of an invisible tear, making his student eye him weirdly. "those curses... the special grades that can talk. do you think I could beat at least one of them?" Fuyuko stared at him. "hm, are you asking if you're as strong as a special grade?" he smirked, teasingly. "no, I'm asking if I tried hard enough, would I be able to beat one?" she glared, turning away, watching the sunset. "I would say, that for now, no. right now, you're a grade 2 sorcerer, able to beat a grade 1 spirit, but not a special grade. I'm not saying that you won't be able to beat them ever..." he spoke truthfully. "you lack motivation. you don't have a reason for fighting, so you don't really care if you improve" the sentence ticked the girl off, but she continued to listen to what he had to say. "I really don't know the reason for why you want to become a shaman, but if you truly want to become strong... you will need a reason to fight for, other wise, you just might go insane" he laughed, making the situation lighter.

"what your reason... Gojo?" she asked, still looking at the sunset before her. "I would say... to protect the weak" he answered, enjoying the view as well through the black blindfold. "I guess I still have to find my purpose" the scared girl sighed, she never really thought about why she wanted to become a sorcerer, she guessed it was because the clan expected a lot from the girl. but was it something she really wanted? to risk her life for people?

"Oya? Fuyuko?" the cunning Guji smirked, watching the first year near the shrine. "Miko." she silently greeted. "and what brought you all the way back to Yamanashi?" the older woman questioned. "can't visit my hometown?" the female glared. "as far as I know, you keep as little contact as possible with the clan, so I am quite surprised you decided to visit" Miko chuckled

Yae, a special grade sorcerer... I guess. the woman doesn't really work as a sorcerer, but both her strength and knowledge is scary. If she did work as a Shaman, instead of managing the Zuijinmon shrine, the woman could easily challenge Gojo Satoru.

"so? you gonna start speaking, or are you gonna continue pretending that you came to visit for no reason?" the Guji questioned, as the two women sat inside one of the empty shrines, drinking tea. "nothing goes past you does it?" the young girl sighed, annoyed that she was so easy to read. "the domain expansion. Plane of Euthymia, you know a lot about it, don't you" she questioned. "hm, I would say so, I did teach your mother that technique" she answered, nonchalantly, sipping on her sake. "you once spoke of it, many years ago... would you be able to tell me, maybe even teach me some stuff about it?" the Raiden girl asked. "my my, is Gojo Satoru not a good enough teacher?" she smirked. "He is a good teacher, but he doesn't know much about this domain." she nodded. "well, I wouldn't refuse to the daughter of a dear friend of mine, so I'll teach you" she smiled, a relieved sigh leaving the girl. "but I do have to say, the information I shall share, must not be shared, even with Gojo Satoru" Miko continued, enjoying her Sake. "wasn't really planning on it... but continue" "there is a risk to this Domain expansion..." her powerful pink eyes stared at the descendant.

"...the risk of loosing track of time"

"can I get at least a clue of who you're planning ok requiting?" the blue haired curse questioned, his curiosity peaked. "have you ever heard of the failure of the Raiden clan?"

gege, when I catch you gege...
when I catch you gege...
sleep with one eye open.
I didn't even finish the manga yet and I'm already crying about what I'm abt to read. that silly little one eyed cat is not safe. I might pull a sukuna here (chapter 236 reference 😟)

I'm not the biggest fan of this chapter honestly, I don't know what to write... I'm in a writing block, but I shall continue cuz I hate unfinished books

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