Chapter 3

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This is long and overdrawn I know lol.But there is a pun type thingy somewhere in here and the first person to comment it gets this chapter dedicated to them<3


"Arabella! I'm home, where you at?" I said as I threw my keys in the key tray.

"Kitchen!" my best friend of thirteen years yelled back at me from the kitchen of our two bedroom flat we shared near our university.

I kicked off my white converse and put my shoulder strap purse on the hook. Walking into the kitchen I was startled at the sight. "A! Are you cooking real food and not ramen noodles?" I asked as I looked at the spaghetti and meatball dish in front of me.

"Chassdy, I always cook!" she said with a straight face.

We stared at each other a moment before doubling over with laughter. "That's the funniest thing i've heard all week Arabella!" i said as i regained my composure.

"I cook sometimes." she said with a pout.

"I know ,I know." I said patting her on the shoulder.

"Well sit down C, its time to eat" she said as she placed two plates on the island in front of our barstools we sit on when we eat.

"This tastes amazing." I said as I took a bite. "So today I met this guy named Luke."

A looked at me with a knowing look on her face. "Soooo, what happened? what does he look like?"

"God he was so cute. He had blonde hair, these blue eyes that i couldn't stop looking at, this black lip ring, and an australian accent. I was walking out of mickey d's and he screamed profanities to my left and i went to ask him what was wrong." I said stopping to take a couple of bites while Arabella just stared waiting for me to spill the rest of the story.

"Well he was being flirty and was like 'My phones good but it would be better with your number in it so we exchanged numbers and i think i'm going to text him to go out tonight." I finished eating the last of my pasta and went to rinse my plate off.

"Well shit C, get some!" She exclaimed as she got up to rinse her plate off.

*I just want to take you there

He don't got to know where

Does he touch you here like this?

Let me take the friction from your lips*

I run to go grab my phone from my bag and check the caller ID.

"Speak of the devil." I mumble seeing Luke's name flash across the screen.

"Well hello Luci-"

"Chass, do you know the club on 4th and main?-Dinky's- be there at 9:30 tonight and dress nice. I'm taking you out." I could practically hear the smirk on his face.

"Okay, ill be there." i say getting a little to excited.

"Bye Chassdy" he said ending the call.

"Arabella Priscilla Turner calm your ass down its just a date."I sigh as I see A freaking out in the corner.

"A date that you only have an hour to get ready for." She stated pointing at the clock on the stove.

"Shit!" I exclaim running off to get ready.


Fucking credit to @smoke-one for helping me edit this piece of shit chapter.Here it is-chapter three of need. I actually updated like I said I would lmao.

Love you filthly lil gremlins<3

Stay daddy af<3

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