8~ Camping (Part 1)

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(No Trigger Warnings Today yay)

It was the weekend, the last one before summer, and everyone was getting ready to go Camping. The Hufflepuffs and RavenClaws had already been, the previous week, so now all that was left was Gryffindor and Slytherin. Tyler knew Dumbedore was doing this on perpous, to try and make them get along. It never ended well.

The Maurader's had already started planning lots of different pranks, wich worried Tyler as he still hadn't apologized to Jo. Not that he thought he needed to, he didn't do anything wrong. "I don't want to go" Tyler groaned, walking Into Ponfrey's office. She sat up and smiled, sympathetically.

"Ty, It will be good for your mental health, getting some fresh air and socializing" She explained. Tyler wasn't paying any attention. "And I'm teaching all weekend so I need to know your doing something productive while I'm not there" He kicked the wall, she gave him a look.

"But I don't have anyone to share a tent with, and your not allowed to camp alone. They're going to put me with a teacher!" Tyler went on. He really wanted to get out of It. He loved sleeping outside, but not amongst other people. And definitely not Inside a tent where he felt claustrophobic. "You'll find someome, I'm sure"

They talked It through for almost an hour, then Pomfrey sent Tyler back to his room to start packing. He tossed a bunch of clothes Into his trunk and sighed, taking extra long on perpous. Snape had already left, Lily helped him pack. Wich was strange because Tyler could have sworn he saw her yelling at him the other week.

He grabbed his bag and hauled It over his shoulder, then walked out Into the common room. Everyone was chatting to one another, excitedly. Suddenly, someome tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and saw Regulus. "What do you want?" He moaned. "Can you give this to Jo, I heard your going on a trip together" Regulus asked, holding out a Wand.

"Er...can't you find someone-" Regulus put the Wand Into Tyler's hand and walked off, quickly. "Thank you!" He screamed, leaving the Common Room. Tyler breathed out, annoyed, and shoved the Wand Into his pocket. Great. Now he was going to have to talk to Jo.

Mcgonagall walked Inside and coughed loudly, to get everyone's attention. The room went quiet. "Okay, Student's, follow me and your fellow Gryffindor Student's outside! No dawdaling!" She held her wand to her neck to amplify her voice. It startled Tyler and made him Jump. Some of the other students laughed at him, but he Ignored It.

They walked out of the Castle, behind the Gryffindor Students. Tyler saw Sirius Jump onto James's back at some point, and then he heard Jo laughing with Mary and Marlene. He watched them for ages until he couldn't bare It anymore. Something about Remus's little group of friends made him feel so much more alone. He wanted to be a part of It, and he wondered how much easier It would have been If he had been sorted into Gryffindor.

Mcgonagall stopped, after hours and hours of walking, and stood on a fallen log to make herself taller. "Get Into groups of Three, take a tent, First group to set It up gets extra house points" She announced. People Immediately started grouping up, and rushing to get the equipment. Peter, James and Sirius ran off as fast as they could. Followed By Jo, Mary and Marlene.

Snape, Lily and some other student Tyler didn't recognize ran to get a good spot, but they were separated by Mcgonagall who made It very clear that girls and boys could not share a tent. Lily then walked over to Jo and they made a group of four Instead. Tyler suddenly realized he was the only person left without a tent. He walked over to the pile and took one.

Mcgonagall stopped him. "Tyler, where's your group?" She asked. He went red with embarrassment and shrugged, struggling to speak. "You can't be alone In a tent" She said, calmly. He looked down at the floor. "Why not?" He asked. "Because It's not safe, why don't you go Join your brother Remus"

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