12 Days To Christmas Countdown Day 2: Rest

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Something that everyone needs
this on what our soul truly feeds
whether a minute an hour just stop
is what you need to reach the top.

Mentally, physically, emotionally, and more
needed so that the world won't be a bore
the world does need what you can put in it
but always be aware of your all of your limit.

Pushing beyond and going the extra mile
grit your teeth and go forward with a smile
because your teeth going down as they grind
and your vision blurs with all on your mind.

Sometimes you need half an hour
in order to restore your full power
or your whole world will be sour
and everything will become dour
even if it just being in a shower
or just stop and go smell a flower.

Don't work and stop when you are sick
rest at times so your health will stick
it is not something that you can flick
so rest is something you must always seek.

So when the times comes don't be stiff
it would be easy to just jump off a cliff
relax in life because in work you're replaceable
but to those around you are irreplaceable
so relax with those who truly love you
so you would not have a life that is blue.

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