You Are Hereby Exiled From the Brotherhood of Paris

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We returned to the Assassin's Bureau covered in blood and out of breath. My body hurt all over and I didn't know how I was going to clean the blood from my everywhere.

  Arno held open the iron door, shutting it behind him, and following me down the long hall until we reached the entrance of main room. Two assassin guards motioned for us to follow them.

  They lead us across the main hall and down a series of steps into the large Council room where three of the members stood on the balcony above us in an intimidating way. I had a feeling this wasn't going to be good.

  "What in God's name happened at the Place de la Revolution today?" the Master Trenet asked, anger laced in her tone. My suspicions were confirmed.

  "Germain was there, and I know what his plan is," Arno replied quickly. "You have to--"

  The darker skinned councilmen, Master Beylier, interrupted Arno. "You were told to leave that investigation to others," he said sternly.

  "Yes but listen--" Arno tried.

  "'Yes but listen'?" Trenet screeched. "Is that the regard in which you hold the Brotherhood?"

  I bit my lower lip and bowed my head, hiding my face within the shadows of my hair, trying to hide the obvious need to make remarks that were building up in my head.

  "And you!" She turned to me. My head snapped up to meet her disdainful expression.

  "Yes, Madame?" I asked quietly.

  "You helped him even though you knew it was forbidden!"

  "Madame, don't bring her into this--"

  I held up my hand, quieting Arno. "It's fine." Arno sighed as the councilman began to speak.

  "I knew this would happen," Beylier said. "I told Mirabeau that you were too obsessed with your own personal vendettas."

  "This is why I joined the Brotherhood!" Arno countered. I gave a small nod in agreement.

  Master Quemar, who stood on the other side of the balcony, sighed. "Yes. Not because you shared our ideals, or felt called to the service. For revenge."

  "For redemption!" Arno's tone became dangerously low.

  "The Templars that reside in their mansions have their own personal Templar assassins to rid our people. They need to be brought to justice," I said.

  Trenet glared at me and turned back to Arno. "Call it what you will. You've defied the orders of this Council repeatedly, pursued targets without sanction, and flouted our Creed at every step!"

  "Master Trenet?" Master Quemar turned to Trenet. 

  "In light of these actions, I find I have no choice but to call a vote of expulsion. Master Beylier?" Trenet said

  My eyes widened. "No!" I choked. "I cannot go back into those streets. They'll find me and kill me!"

  Trenet narrowed her eyes. "You will suffer the consequences of your actions along with Arno."

  I paled. I'd be dead before dawn.

  "Agreed," said Beylier.

  "What are you--" Arno was again interrupted.

  "Master Quemar?" Trenet look at the older man.


  My eyes widened. A final whisper of my drained hope escaped my lips. "No..."

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