Get Back Here, You Stupid Runaway

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It was still raining when we arrived at the palace. We slipped within an open window and Arno quietly closed it once we were in safely.

Guards. Guards were holy fucking everywhere. I glanced at Arno knowing that he had a certain gift that heightened his senses. He is able to avoid conflict with a blink of an eye. Literally.

However, he grimaced as he closed his eyes and held his head like a migraine hit him. I reached out to help him but a growl came his way and so I refrained myself from helping him.

"This way," he said once he straightened out.

We snuck into the first room, stealthily killing those who stood in our way to Arno's victim. I hid and pulled my victims down, slicing their throats, while Arno made more of a direct attack, leaping on their backs and stabbing at their necks. We were only caught twice but I silenced them from leaping from whatever object could easily allow me to gain height and pounce on top of them, driving whatever I could find into their backs or chests.

We entered the main hall and quickly disposed of the guards, barely making out of there without getting caught. I tripped over my own feet twice attracting temporary attention. Arno hissed at me too much for my liking.

"Careful!" he growled, pulling me back up to my feet roughly. He pushed me away, letting me go. I bit my lower lip and stayed silent, rubbing the area on my wrist where he grabbed me.

I followed him through the house. He seemed to be staring at something next to him. He reached out as if to touch the invisible object or...person.

"Arno?" I whispered. I gingerly touched his shoulder. He jerked suddenly, spinning around, and shoving me onto the floor. I caught my fall into a backbend, landing back on my feet gracefully.

"Piss off, Rache." My eyes widened.


"Just follow me." He walked out onto the balcony and I reluctantly followed. Below us was a tiny courtyard with two guards roaming around. Arno leapt onto the one directly below us while I climbed around the enclosed walls of the courtyard and fell on top of the second guard without a sound.

We rushed back inside and quickly ducked behind a covered armoire. A guard walked past us.

"I call the silverware," he said.

"Now aren't you glad we came here?" one of his comrades replied on the opposite side of the room.

I guess this large manor was being cleaned. We took down our enemies without disturbing a flea. I glanced out of one of the windows to see the target strolling around the courtyard with a few of his guards mingling around him. I pointed him out to Arno and he nodded.

"He's our main priority," he said. "If you see even a sliver of a chance to end him, do it."

I pursed my lips tightly and glanced back out the window before following Arno again. We silently walked through room after room, killing guards without even a whisper passing their bloodied lips. Before I knew it, we were hiding behind the stone columns, eyeing the Templar restlessly. I could almost hear the rapid beating of Arno's heart and the slow, calm beating of the oblivious victim.

"Go," he whispered.

I leapt out of the hiding spot, catching all the guards' attention. I pulled my flintlock out and fired precise shots, the bullets ringing through the air and straight in between the eyes of four guards. They collapsed immediately. I gave a sharp whistle to Arno and unclipped my axe from my belt, meeting a heavy sword from an attacking guard.

"You're a woman," he muttered. His breath smelled like rotten meat. I didn't flinch though. With a single elegant move, my hidden blade found its way into the man's gut.

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