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        I woke with a start. A cool sweat poured down my body, making me shiver on the smooth, cold, stone pedestal that I was somehow set upon.

I suddenly sat up with a sharp intake of a breath, realizing what had happened a few moments ago, with a throbbing headache that blocked my eyesight with a static feeling. Once the feeling passed, I took the short amount of time to examine my surroundings.

A room. My eyes caught sight of the Assassin's large banner of their infamous insignia, the bold symbol highlighting itself throughout the large room that was decorated with candles for lighting, and random maps, plans, and other dangerous equipment that the Assassin's might use to kill their enemies.

I looked down as I felt a breeze brush passed my body. I shivered again, realizing that my naked torso was exposed, and the rest of me was hidden under the blanket. Blushing darkly, I wrapped the blanket around my body, and tightened it's ends into a knot, securing it well. I swung my legs over the edge of the pedestal and shakily got to my feet, swaying unsteadily at the sudden wobbly feeling as my legs that threatened to buckle.

"You're up." I snapped my head towards the voice and turned my head to look away from him, dark red embarrassment crawling back up into my cheeks again.

"Yes, I am," I said quietly. I was surprised at how scratchy and hoarse my voice sounded, and it made me wonder how long I was gone.

"Five days," Arno whispered, stepping towards me. I felt like he could read my mind by just glancing at me. Each step he took towards me sent chills up my spine, his footfalls although seemed soft and controlled, were loud and erratic against the soundless room to me.

I didn't want to turn and meet the gaze of my savior. It was too embarrassing. He saw me thrash about as I drank from the goblet, he saw me torture Jacques, he saw my flaws. No one has seen my flaws. Not even Adalicia, Raquel, and Charlotte.

"I could not be out for that long, could I?" I turned my head slightly to acknowledge him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something surprising about him. "Your hood is off." I turned to face him completely, astonishment on my face.

He was very handsome for a man. Just his looks made my insides knot up and my heart accelerate faster than it should've. The redness in my cheeks wouldn't go away and I had an enormous urge to ask if he was single, but I bit my tongue and glanced back at the ground momentarily. No, this attraction had to go. I shook my head and looked back up to meet his gaze again. His eyebrows were quirked in question but all I could do was give a small smile.

"Thank you, Arno. For everything. If it hadn't been for you"--I bowed my head in respect--"I would probably have been dead out in the streets by now. I owe you...everything."


Ten months later...

"N-no! Y-you can't make me talk!"

"Oh, are you sure? What if I"--I leaned into the trembling man's ear and whispered venomously, "persuaded you?"

I leaned back, and ran my tongue over my teeth with a bright white grin on my face. The man trembling in front of me was a high-ranking Templar soldier. He had some...information that the Assassin's would not mind getting their hands on.

"I-I have a-a w-wife and k-kids! F-five of t-them!" He held up his hands in surrender, tears of fear rolling down his muddy face. My stomach lurched at the thought of his family back at home, wondering where daddy had gone, but my smile didn't falter.

"Five of them? Well now, Mister Benjamin, I am sorry to say but you know information about something, and since you refused to talk"--I tugged at his restraint straps and buckles so they wouldn't snap if he thrashed--"I have no other choice but to pull it out of you." He was strapped to a table in the middle of a dark room, only a small candle lit above him for light so I could work on him.

Assassin's Creed Unity: When All Seems Hopeless... |editing|Where stories live. Discover now