Chapter 2

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  Hinoka looked out of a window. "Great, now the Legion is camping in our plains."

Sakura was crying at the top of her lungs. "I'm s-scared!!!"

Ryoma was telling her to calm down.

"I c-can't. They a-are camping in our p-plains! A-And they have a scary a-army made of slaves!"

He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I understand but I'm trying to look on the bright side here at least those skunk Nohrians can't get through to us without them being in the way I suppose the same goes for us as well."

Sakura sniffled. "Okay, b-but I don't feel safe."

Ryoma moved his hand away. "I know but you have to stay strong through this, okay?"

Sakura shook her head. "I-I can't, I'm sorry."

"Ugh." Ryoma walked away.

Hinoka approached him. "Relax, I got her two guards."

The guards escorted Sakura to her room.

Ryoma was still uneasy. "I am worried about her and Takumi."

"How come?"

"He has been acting strange recently, and more violent."

"I will check on him, and what is the concern with Sakura?"

"I'm just scared she will do something stupid out of fear."

"Sakura doing something stupid? You're out of your mind. She's a sweet little angel.who would never do anything stupid."

"When thought is clouded by fear, you make mistakes."

"Well, she has guards that will be with her at all times. Anyway, I'm going to find Takumi and see what's wrong." She looks for him.

Meanwhile, as the guards guard right outside Sakura's room, she climbs out the window and runs off.

Hana followed her. "Milady, where are you going?"

"Somewhere f-far away. Probably t-to a new place. I want to get away. I-I'm scared of the Legion. You a-and Subaki shouldn't be following me if you aren't s-scared."

Subaki caught up. "A little if we are going to be honest but you are running away from your responsibilities."

"I don't care!" Sakura kept running.

Her retainers follow her. Sakura kept running but was getting tired. Shes stops to rest under a tree.

They finally caught up to her and Subaki knelt down to her. "Jeez, is there anyway we can get you to return to your family?"

"No." Sakura caught her breath. "The further we go, the safer we are."

Hana sat down. "You're going to be wary because the enemy is on both fronts."

Sakura shook her head. 'T-that's not true."

Subaki looked at crude structures over in the distance. "Camps."

Sakura resumed running but was slow because she was tired. Hana grabbed her cape but Sakura took it off. "Damn it lady!" Hana rushed after her.

Sakura stopped by a small pond and slept under a tree. Hana put the cape back on her. Subaki carefully picks her up and takes her to his pegasus.

Sakura slowly woke up. "Hm?"

Hana patted her back. "Don't worry, we will get you somewhere safe."

"L-let me go!"

Subaki made room for Hana to hop on. "Milady, you are acting irrationally. You have a duty to attend to."

Sakura knew he was right. "Y-you're right. Let's g-go."

Someone from behind approached them and spoke an unknown language. "Go where?"

"No..." Hana got her katana ready.

"W-who are you?" Sakura hid behind Hana. "A-and what d-did you say?"

The man spat on Hana. "I am Caligula, a strong warrior of the Legion. Clearly you weaklings only speak one language but I guess that is what you get from your ancestors foolishly sticking in this land while we developed knew languages but learned to speak both."

They all had trouble pronouncing his name due to his accent.

Sakura stepped forward. "I-I'm Princess Sakura. W-what do you need?"

He smirked. "Oh, a princess."

Subaki got into a defensive position.

Sakura realized she made a mistake. "I-I mean I stole this from Princess S-Sakura."

Caligula pointed to her retainers. "Really? Then who are these two? Your bandit friends?"

"Subaki! Hana! Let's go!"

Subaki was about to grab Kana when he was shot by an arrow. "Gah!:

Caligula smiled. "Make sure you keep an eye on the archers."

Hana ran at Caligula. "You son of a..."

Caligula kicked Hana, knocking her out.

Several soldiers finally surrounded them. Sakura tried to run to get help.

Caligula rolled his eyes and grabbed her by the cape, picked her up, and tossed her to the ground.

"Ow! I am a princess. P-please let me go home! How can you be so heartless."

Caligula kicked some dirt in her face. "Do you want to see how heartless I can be?"

Sakura stayed silent.

Caligula had his men bring them to their camp. Sakura was wailing around and trying to break free. Caligula warned her if she did not stop, he would kill her retainers. He put them in a cage. 

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