The Project

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[A/N: srry yall I had finals anyway here u go]

Jean-Pierre and I were close as children. For a while, all we had was each other. Sometimes he'd sit and listen to the radio with me, or we'd play tag together outside, or we'd walk to the nearest pond to make mudpies together. He'd always get so upset when he lost. I would laugh and laugh, and he would storm off and refuse to keep playing. When we got older and he started attending school, he became more and more distant. I guess we didn't need each other anymore.

Since I started attending Voltaire High, that changed. Seeing the way he sprung to defend me against Descamps and his friends made me realize I needed him, and maybe, just maybe, he needed me too.

Thankfully, the hearing went well for him, and we're back on relatively neutral terms. He still won't let me join him when he and the other seniors are at the café, but now he talks to me at school. I'll take what I can get.

Ms. Giraud walked around the classroom slowly, commenting on papers as she passed them out--to everyone's embarrassment.

"Felbec, excellent as usual: 17."

"Sabiani, make it neater next time," she said with a stern expression, passing Annick her paper. Everyone stretched their necks to try and see her score.

She dropped my paper on my desk without stopping to comment on it. "Magnan, same as usual, nine."

I gave Simone a half smile and slumped down a little in my seat out of embarrassment. Why couldn't I be smart like Annick, or pretty like Annick? Every day it's "excellent job as always Annick," or, "highest score in the class--Annick." And every day it's "Annick come sit with us," or "do you think she'd give me private tutoring?"

The bell rung and I quickly gathered my books, moving to head to my next class. Simone rose, holding the desk with one hand for support with her other hand clutching her stomach.

"Are you okay, Simone?"

She silently shook her head, grimacing. "I'm going to go to the nurse, I really don't feel good--I think I'll go home."

"Okay," I nodded, rubbing her back. "If you need anything..."

She nodded, moving quickly past me out the door. I gathered the rest of my things, and made my way

"As you know," Mr. Marcelin started, pacing around the classroom. "This is a school where we like to experiment with new methods. Next week, we're going to try a new method. You're going to prepare a presentation, working in pairs. You'll be working with the classmate sitting next to you, then you'll present your work to the class together."

I looked over at the empty desk next to me.

"How does that sound?"

I raised my hand. "Sir, what if we're sitting alone?"

He looked around and saw only one other person without a partner.


"Ah!" He said, clasping his hands together. "You'll work with Monsieur Descamps. As I was saying, if you--"

"But," I protested. "Wouldn't it be better if I worked with Annick?"

She turned around and I widened my eyes at her, expecting her to agree, as she too was assigned to work with a boy.

"No, Magnan. Annick already has a partner."

I looked over to where Descamps was sitting, only to find him already glaring at me.

"Do we have to work in pairs?" Descamps grumbled, adjusting his eyepatch.

"Half a pair's work will result in half a grade," Marcelin warned.

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