The End

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I woke up the next morning with swollen eyes from crying all night. It hurt to lose Alain, and it hurt to have Descamps hating me again.

When I left for school, Simone was already outside waiting to walk with me. I smiled halfheartedly and we walked quietly to school. Before we went in the gates she pulled me aside and hugged me tightly. I bit my lip, trying to hold back the emotions. We pulled away from each other and went into the courtyard.

Immediately, I spotted Descamps smoking with his friends. He stared back at me as I crossed to the front doors. I couldn't tell if he was still angry with me or not, but I knew I had to talk to him and tell him how I felt.

I looked around for Alain and noticed him sitting on his bike, gazing at me. When I looked at him, I remembered every secret moment we shared. All the stolen kisses, the laughs, his gentle touch...

"Michèle," Simone said, pulling my attention away from him, "I think we should go inside."

I nodded.

During English, my uncle came bursting through the door. "I need to speak with Michèle Magnan." Miss Couret motioned for me to go with him and I got up quickly and collected my things.

He led us quickly down the hallway but he was moving so fast that I practically had to run to keep up with him. "Uncle Paul? Why did you want to see me?" He said nothing--didn't even turn around. We made it to his office and he slammed the door behind us. I sat down in the chair positioned in front of his desk and he sat across from me.

My uncle took a deep breath and clenched his face in the same way my mother does when she is angry with me. "It has come to my attention that you have been spreading a... rumor... about your aunt."

Oh. I looked down, embarrassed, at my hands clasped in my lap.

"This has become a matter involving the community. Many of your classmates have repeated what you said to their parents, and their parents to other adults. We have received a number of complaints from parents concerned about having someone of her quote "deviant inclinations" taking care of students."

"Uncle Paul," I said, worriedly. "I never meant to hurt her. I was only trying to fit in with Jean-Pierre and--"

He held his hand up to silence me. "Miss Magnan, please be quiet. You have put your own aunt, let alone an esteemed member of our staff, in a position where she is being pushed by faculty and parents to resign. I hope that detention for the rest of the school year will give you enough time to think about what manner is appropriate to conduct yourself. You may return to class."

I was relieved, a little--he wasn't as harsh as he could have been. Luckily for me, there were only two day left in the term. I got up silently. He didn't meet my eyes as I left.

I couldn't believe my story had escalated to that scale. I really never meant to hurt her...I was trying to prove to everyone that I wasn't just "the dean's niece" and I didn't need to be babied.

Simone looked at me for an explanation as I silently slid back down in my seat. I glanced quickly at Descamps and Alain, who were both staring at me as I came in, and turned back to Simone. "I have detention after school for the next few days."

Later, in the courtyard, Simone and I were sitting on the bench when Descamps approached us. I sat up quickly and exchanged a confused look with Simone.

He looked down at his feet. "Can I speak to you?" I nodded, and waited to hear what he had to say. He looked up at Simone. "Alone?"

She put her hand on my shoulder comfortingly and walked away from us. I stood up and followed Descamps to a shady spot under a tree, a little ways away from where most of the people were standing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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