The Frogs

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I sighed. "Sophia Loren is so beautiful."

Simone and I stood in front of the theater, admiring the movie poster for Hier, Aujourd'hui et Demain. A large red sign was put over the top of it, stating that the theater was only admitting people over 18.

"What about Brigitte Bardot?"

"My mother says she's vulgar. Anyway, the movie's 18 and over."

Simone turned to me excitedly. "Apparently, you can sneak in the back door."

"How do you know that?"

She shrugged. "A boy told me."

"Was it Eugène?" I teased, smiling.

"No, it wasn't."

I wondered how long Eugène and Simone had been dating. It must be at least a few months by now, but I still haven't met him. Simone said he graduated early, so he doesn't attend school. Still, she said he was around Jean-Pierre's age, so he must know who he is.

"Think I'll meet him someday?"



She sighed. "I don't know."

At home, I was packing up some slices of ham when I heard my mother whispering about the hairdresser's daughter and Mrs. Gauthier's son.

"They're from Oran." She whispered. "Apparently she's unrefined."

My mother sighed. "Being from Algeria..."

"So what?" I interjected.

"You'll understand when you're older," she said dismissively. She and the lady that had come in exchanged a look between them. "They're very vulgar." She turned back to the lady. "Anyway, it's a shame. I hope we'll see Mrs. Gauthier soon."

I finished packing up her ham, and my mother checked her out.

After the lady had left, I turned back to my mother. "Why are French-Algerians vulgar?"

"Because I said so."

She looked down at the display I was preparing and scoffed. "Don't put the black pudding with the sausages! Girls are always so much trouble."

On my way to school, I wondered what I should say to Simone. Do I tell her about Descamps? Or do I only tell her about Alain? Or do I tell her everything?

I felt sick--mostly from worrying about what I would say to Simone (and how mad she'd be I didn't tell her sooner), but also from nerves. I smiled to myself thinking about seeing Descamps last night. His touch, his kisses... everything made me feel like I was about to fall down. In person, you would almost never know what we were doing.

But then there was Alain. He cared for me enough to come all that way, knowing I'd be there, just to save me. And then there was that moment. Our faces so close together, my heart pounding, my head scrambling with thoughts of what we were about to do, the way we were about to embrace each other--and then, nothing.

The sound of frogs loudly chirping at the front of the room and Mr. Herman pacing brought me back to real life.

"Mademoiselle Magnan," he said, marching to my table. "Six."

Mediocre as usual.

He continued pacing around the room. "Pichon, seven. What geniuses."

"Laubrac, 10."

"And finally," he said, approaching Annick. "Mademoiselle Sabiani... 12."

Laubrac smiled at her, and began to clap, and many of the other boys followed his lead. I looked down at my test again. He probably didn't kiss me because he likes her and how smart she is. As always, I fall behind Annick.

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