Chapter 8: Can we start over?

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*Gumball's POV*

Marceline was a huge help. She comforted me and made me feel a lot better. She convinced me that is wasn't completely over between Marshall and I, that we could still have a chance. I just had to figure out what kind of relationship Marshall had with Fionna.

After a while of staying there after she left I finally got up and made my way back to the candy kingdom. My candy citizens were probably freaking out at this point.

I sighed and shoved my hands in the pockets of my pajama pants I still wore from the night before. The sun beat down on my head but It wasn't uncomfortably hot. There was a soft breeze that cooled down the atmosphere, almost a perfect day. Almost.

I saw my kingdom in the distance, a worried and guilty frown falling on my lips as I could already hear panicked screaming. I sighed and made my ways to the gates, walking though them. When the citizens spotted me they ran to me and asked questions, some even started crying.

"Were you kidnapped?!" Most of them asked and looked at me with saddened eyes. I smiled at them, kneeling down and comforting them. I stopped, gasping and freezing as one of them yelled out something.

"I knew it was that stupid Marshall guy!"

I gulped as they all started screaming about Marshall. I quickly trying to hush them up.

"Guys! Marshall didn't do anything! Guys it wasn't Marshall!" I told them but they wouldn't listen. The continued to scream and yell. I felt my eyebrow twitch in frustration as anger boiled inside of me.

"Enough!" I screamed, making them silence. They stared up at me in fear and disbelief. The small candy's started crying, being comforted by their parents or others. I sighed.

"I'm sorry" he tells them and kneel's down by the crying group of candy's. He looked at them sadly and rubbed the top of their heads, "It's alright, shhhh" he coo'd to them. He looked to the rest of them as they looked pissed.

Gumball sighed and stood up, "It was not Marshall. So do not blame him. I ran away and stayed with my friend Marceline. I am back now do there is nothing to be worried about. Carry on with your daily routines" I announced and turned, walking to my castle. Once I was out of sight, I dashed for the doors, running in and slamming them behind me. I ran up the stairs and behind doors to my bedroom. I sighed, kicking off my shoes and collapsing on my bed, staring at the walls with a dead expression.

I grabbed a pillow and pushed it onto my face, "Way to go, Gumball.." I told myself and groaned into the pillow. I curled up into a ball on my side, forcing the pillow even further into my face. I felt like crying but no tears with come out.

"Hey Gumball" I heard from inside my room. I shot up, recognizing the very familiar voice.

"Marshall! What are you doing here?" I asked him, looking him up and down, my heart sinking. He stood their with his hands stuffed into the pockets off his ripped up jeans. He stared at the ground, biting his lip. I just stared at him, waiting for his answer.

"....I came to apologize" he said after a long moment of silence. He looked up, but avoided eye contact with me when I stared into his red eyes that just wouldn't connect with mine.

"There's nothing to apologize for" I tell him simply, looking at him. I see his head move up, finally connecting our gazes.

"There is. I hurt you Bubba" he said and bit his lip, staring at me from the spot he was in. I stood up and moved to the foot of my bed, staring at him.

"You did" I tell him, keeping my ground. I clenched my fists as he took a step towards me.

"I'm sorry" he tells me, looking down at the ground after telling me.

"There's nothing to be sorry for" I repeat. His head snapped up and me and growled slightly. He threw his arms down.

"Really, Gumball?! I'm trying to apologize! Just take it!" He told me, getting frustrated. I just stared at him blankly.

"It's the truth. You may have hurt me but that doesn't mean you did anything wrong. You kissed Fionna. That is it. Try wording your sentences better" I responded, tilting my head to the side slightly, continuing to stare into his dark red eyes.

He sighed, "Bubba, I didn't mean to kiss Fionna. I don't like her in that way" he tells me, looking at me with saddened eyes.

"That's fine" I tell him, sitting down on the bed, "I get that now" I added to it. He stares at me blankly and genuinely confused.

"That's it?" He asked me, "That's all our going to say?" He added, taking another step towards me.

I simply nodded.

"There is nothing more to say, Marshall. You don't like Fionna. Okay" I tell him, looking up at him. He continued to look at me confused. He opened his mouth to say something, but after a moment, he closed it. He swallowed a lump in his throat.

"So are we cool now? This whole dead blank stare your giving me is really creeping me out" he tells me with a soft chuckle. I give him a soft smile and nod.

"Yeah, we're 'cool'" I told him make quotation marks with my fingers to the word 'Cool'. He chuckled and nodded.

"Wanna go do something then?" He asked me, extending his hand for me. I chuckled and stood up, taking his hand.

"I'd love too" I tell him, giving him a soft smile. Maybe we could just restart- refresh the page and now I know of his feelings towards Fionna that's one less thing I need to stress about. We can now just start over new.


Sorry for the short and quick chapter! ^•^ I promise it will be better next time and the story continues. Before now I didn't really have a plan but now a do, so the plot will now even out and stuff

Gumball, have you ever kissed anyone? [gumlee] (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now