Gem Glow (Part 1)

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"So,Nyx...What's first?" Pink asked in an Excited tone

Nyx turned to look at Pink "The Gem Glow"

Pink seemed confused by that response

Nyx then began to display a Projection...

It shows The Outside of the Big Donut,Followed by Steven Screaming.

Yellow was clearly irritated by this

Steven was looking at an Empty Freezer inside the Big Donut "This can't be happening! This has to be a dream!"

Blue rolled her eyes,before turning to look at Nyx..."Why are we watching an Organic?"

"He is important" Nyx stated Simply

Pink looks back and forth between Blue and the Screen..."I thinke he looks nice..."

Steven Grabbed Lars around his waist "Please tell me I'm dreaming!"

Lars pushed Steven off "Get off me man, I'm stocking here!"

It displayed Sadie at the Counter "I'm sorry, Steven. I guess they stopped making them."

"Stopped making them?! Why in the world would they stop making Cookie Cats?! They're only the most scrumptious and delicious ice-cream sandwich ever made! Don't they have laws for this?!" Steven said

Blue and Yellow seemed confused and bored at this

Lars was just Restocking "Tough bits, man. Nobody buys them anymore,guess they jus couldn't compete with Lion Lickers..."

Steven Groans as he walks up to the Fridge of Lion Lickers..."Not "Lion Lickers"! Nobody likes them! They don't even look like lions! Kids these days -- I'll tell ya what!"

"Well, if you miss your wimpy ice cream so much, why don't you make some with your "magic belly button"?" Lars said before laughing and walking away

Blue,White and Yellow all raised an eyebrown at that.

Pink then looked at her Pearl and whispered at her..."Pearl? Do you know what he means by that?"

"No,My Diamond." Pearl Responded

"That's not how it works, Lars! ...Right?" Steven pulls up his shirt,revealing his Gem

All of the diamonds and their Pearls seemed surprised

"A Gem?! Pearl,How That's impossible?!" Pink asked her Pearl

"I'm not Sure,My Diamond...but it seems to be a Rose Quartz Gem..."


"This is Unpresedented..." Yellow said

White was just silent,because that Gemstone was Clearly Pink's.

But why did she take that form? Why is she doing that voice?

Steven was hugging onto the Freezer
"Uh...Steven? Do you want to take that Freezer with you?" Sadie asked as Steven nodded.

Steven was walking back with the Freezer on his back into the Temple when...

Steven is suddenly attacked by a Centipeetle. It roars at him and he screams. A whip then wraps around it, revealing to be Amethyst's

"An Amethyst?" Blue said

"She's clearly Defective,why hasn't she been Shattered?" Yellow asked

Pink looked at Yellow for a while,as she thought to herself..."I don't see anything wrong with that Gem"

"'Sup, Steven?" Amethyst Yanked the Centipeedle off of Steven.

Pearl can be seen fighting off Centipeetles on the Warp Pad.

Pink Gasped as she pointed to the Screen..."Pearl! That's you!"

Blue and Yellow were intrigued by this.

White wasn't surprised,after all,why wouldn't Pink have her Pearl with her.

and Garnet is fighting in the kitchen.

"Is that a Garnet?" Blue asked

"Looks like a Pyrope..." Yellow said

To Be Continued

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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