Surprise! I'm part of a second trio!

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As unusual as it sounds the PIC of Ambulance 61 Sylvie Brett, was actually rather unpleasant when she arrived to the firehouse. Having already forgot her coffee and not seeing her boyfriends for a day before because of the 48-hour shift they were working. As soon as she was seen walking up the apron to the firehouse her beloved boyfriends Kelly Severide and Matt Casey both welcomed her with coffee and forehead kisses. The loving gesture being their way to comforting, calming, or welcoming each other since the three got together. Sylvie's face immediately lit up when she saw the two and everyone in the firehouse let out a breath they didn't know they were even holding. The singular woman being scarier than anyone else in Chicago when pissed off. Her being pissed off even scared the well known and feared police sergeant, Hank Voight. What no one knew though was that when she had gone to New York a few months prior to see her best friend, ADA Peter Stone in New York, she had become part of a second Trio over a FaceTime. Peter's Girlfriend, Olivia Benson, one of her Ex-parters from work who now lives in LA, and an Ex New York fire captain who now lived in Austin, Texas, had turned into a 8 way call. 4 from New York, Olivia Benson, Peter Stone, Elliot Stabler, and Sylvie Brett. 2 from LA, Nick Amaro, and Evan 'Buck' Buckley-Diaz. With the last 2 calling in from Austin, Texas, being Owen Strand, and Tyler Kennedy 'T.K.' Strand. By the end of the call Sylvie, Buck, and T.K. were being called dumbass, dumbasser, and dumbassest. A couple hours into shift after 2 calls for EMS everyone was finally all talking in the living area when Sylvie got a call that no one not even her boyfriends noticed the ring tone for. *cue the FaceTime ring tone for the GC between her, T.K. and Buck that says weirdos are calling* When the ring tone went off everyone was wondering where it came from until Sylvie pulled out her phone and asked if she could answer it and connect her phone to the TV. To which they said yes too because she explained the person calling was also on shift and had been wanting to introduce the houses. As soon as the phone was answered and they saw the faces on the screen there was an  immediate look of relief on her face and her usual greeting to the two on the other side of the phone was said in one breath. Everyone was shocked she would call her friends Dumbasser, and Dumbassest but they were quickly pulled out of it when they said Hi Dumbass back to her. After the 3 houses were introduced (the 3 houses being Chicago 51, LA 118, and the Austin 126) and the other 2 who the rest of 51 plus the Intelligence unit and doctors that had came to the firehouse to visit had learned were Evan 'Buck' Buckley-Diaz and T.K. Strand being scolded,the question the call was originally for was asked by T.K. said question included asking in all the people present in the call were free 2 months from now as of right now and if so could they set up a week or so for the houses to meet up in person in Austin, LA, New York, or Chicago and had also been told the people from New York were also finding things out to see if they could so New York was an if on location to meet but it was probably going to be where one of the 3 houses was located. When all schedules were checked and everyone notices they had vacation time they weren't gonna use so they could get atleast a week off in 2 months it was decided they would be able to meet and it was going to be in Austin so the people in LA and Chicago could take family or kids to Texas with them. After a little the call had ended and Sylvie was about to get questioned by people and she explained she had met them over FaceTime when she was in New York and they were now a Trio but they hadn't even met her in person and there was no bad intentions by the 3 as they all just bonded over calls that ended in Trauma and that the two were both Gay so the 2 were practically over-protective brothers to her and would probably both be questioning Matt and Kelly which got everyone laughing until they had a call that EMS was required for and she had to leave.

What will happen when the 3 houses plus cops and doctors and nurses along with there kids and family all get together in Austin?? Find out in the next chapter of The Hidden Relationship.

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