Chapter Eight

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...I woke up in the familiar clearing, Sans still calmly holding me in his arms.

"H-How did we get here?"

"You fell asleep, so I carried you back here."

"You could have woken me up."

"Yeah, but you looked so cute."

"I-I... U-Uh..."

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head, and I blushed.

"Come on, you gotta admit, it was pretty adorable."

"F-Fine, if you say so."

He chuckled and hugged me tighter.

"You're adorable."

"H-Hey, don't tease me."

"Aww, come on, I'm just teasing."


"Just accept the fact that you're adorable, and then we can move on."

"Fine, but only because you're cute."

"Really? I'm not cute."

"Yes, you are, and there's nothing you can do about it."

He sighed and shook his head.

"Whatever you say."


We both laughed and sat there, enjoying the peacefulness of the area.

After a while, we got up and left the clearing, heading back to the car.

We got into the car and headed back to the house.

We got home, and went inside, sitting on the couch.

"So, kid, did you enjoy the date?"

"Yeah, I did, thanks, Sans."

"Heh, Anytime."

We spent the rest of the day watching TV, and Frisk joined us at some point.

It was nice, and I was happy, and I was glad to have these two in my life.

As we were eating dinner, Frisk started to grin.

'So, Y/n, did you and Sans have fun?'

I looked at her, and she grinned wider.

"Frisk, don't be nosey."

'I'm not being nosey, I'm just asking a question.'

"I know what you're doing, and I don't like it."

'Oh, come on, you have to tell me, I'm your sister.'

"Frisk, no."

'But, Y/n!'


'Aww, come on, just tell me, please?'

"No, and stop being annoying."

She pouted and looked at Sans.

'Saaaaannnnsss, make her tell me, please?'

"Sorry, kiddo, I'm on her side."

She pouted more and looked at me.

'You're no fun.'

"Well, that's too bad."

'Fine, whatever, I'm going to bed.'

"Good night, Frisk."

'Night, Y/n.'

She left the room, and Sans chuckled.

"That was interesting."

"Yeah, it was."

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