Chapter Six

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The next morning, I woke up, my head still resting on his chest, his arms around me, holding me close.

I opened my eyes, and looked up at him, smiling softly.

"Morning, sleepyhead."


"Slept well?"

"Y-Yeah, you?"


I smiled and cuddled closer to him, sighing softly.



He chuckled and pulled me closer, and I nuzzled his neck, making him shiver.


"You're the cute one."

"Heh, you're a dork."

"Shut up."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead, making me blush.

"I- ...S-Sans."


"W-What was that for?"

"What was what for?" He said, feigning ignorance.

"You know what."

"No, I don't, now what are you talking about?"

"Y-You just k-kissed me."

"No, I didn't."

"Y-Yes, y-you did."

"Nope, not a chance."

I pouted and looked away, blushing.

"Aww, you're so cute when you're flustered."

"Sh-Shut up."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead again, making me blush even more.


"Heh, I can't help it, you're too cute."

"I'm not cute!"

"Yes, you are, now hush, I'm going back to sleep." He said with a grin, pulling me closer and closing his eyes.

I blushed and sighed, nuzzling his neck and falling asleep.

The next morning, I woke up, and Sans was gone.

I got up and went downstairs, and Sans and Frisk were sitting at the table, eating pancakes.


'Good morning!'

"Morning, kid."

"Where were you?"

"Out, why?"

"Just curious."

"Well, stop being curious."

"Shut up."

"Love you too, kid."

"S-Shut up."


Frisk shot me an amused look and I sighed, rolling my eyes with a smile.

We spent the rest of the day hanging out, watching movies and playing video games.

At around 9:00, Frisk and I went upstairs, and Sans stayed in the living room, watching TV.

Frisk gave me a knowing look and I blushed.


'You should tell him.'

"Tell him what?"

'How you feel about him.'

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