11. Tragedy, Comedy, a Blurred Reality

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You'd just wrapped up the final performance for Julierella, and felt weak in the knees. Sure, you shouldn't have been so exhausted after two minor parts, but something about being around Wally was physically tiring.

He'd always smile when you looked at him—not that you expected any less, he was always smiling, he'd encourage you and held your hand while backstage, and somehow, without fail, you blushed every time he looked at you. No wonder you felt so dizzy; you were set up to pass out!

Soon, you found yourself walking back Home with him. He mumbled your name and you felt a familiar rush of blood to your face. "Yes?"

"You look pretty." Unexpected.

"Oh, thank you," when did you become such a sap? You shook your head and quickly regained a stiff posture. "Julie and Frank are over there, want to stop by?"


"Oh, look! And... gotcha!"

"Wait—uhh," Julie's net landed right over Frank's head. The butterfly she was targeting, fluttering away.

"Hey, Frank, Julie!" You waved over and they did the same. Julie of course, almost getting knocked over by her own violently cheerful hand motion. "Need some help?"

"The more the merrier!"

"For the last time, Julie: I don't need help!" Frank said while struggling to untangle himself from the net.

"Why not? You know, that last swing was the closest we got to catching him so—"

"Catching butterflies is something one must do with patience, carefully, and—"

"I am being careful!" Julie retorted. They both let out a "humph" and turned back to back, arms crossed. Frank with the net still over his head.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. What are you guys doing?"

"Frank was trying to catch that—" she pointed at a rainbow splotch twisting expertly through branches, "—butterfly. I was trying to help, but he got all fussy!"

He scoffed, offended, "I never asked you to help!"

"Calm down!" Both of them turned to you. They were the type of people to be sick of one another every time they spoke, but still manage to click every time. "Alright, why do you need the butterfly anyway?"

"Sally needed a model for one of her props for a play," you blinked, not used to them talking at the same time so easily. Of course, you hadn't seen the pair together that often. They were used to bickering and finishing each other's sentences.

"Okay then... why can't you use one like that?" You gestured to the butterfly that landed on Julie's nose.

While the monster giggled with her new insect companion, Frank responded, "Sally said it 'absolutely must be as bright as a thousand stars'," He mocked her voice at the last part rolling his eyes, but you ignored it.

"Well, how do you usually catch one?"

He squinted, looking down in thought for a moment. Julie ended up answering before he got the chance to, "He gets all quiet and moves super slow, and then, he pounces!" She imitated a tiger while her butterfly joined the other on a flower.

"Hmm..." you eyed the two butterflys. "Maybe... hand me the net," Frank passed you his, and you slowly approached the two from behind. Cautiously, you placed the net over the flower and snapped it off its stalk. "Here." You passed Frank the net, keeping it closed with your hand.

"Oh, oh, oh! Thank you, y/n!"

"Yes, yes, thank you. Come on, Julie." Frank muttered, pessimistically. The two of them left, probably to deliver it to Sally.

"Well, we'd better get going too," you sighed, turning to Wally. Except, he was staring at the ground motionless. It was just then that you realized he hadn't uttered a single word since you got here. "Wally?"

At the mention of his name, his eyes widened and he lifted his head to you. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" You shrugged off his odd behavior as a means of saving time.

"We should continue on back to Home before it gets dark. The sun's already setting." Before Wally could answer, Julie sped out the door. She held a jar containing a flower and the butterfly you'd caught.

"Make sure you let it out after a few hours!" Frank called after her, but she had already gotten halfway to Sally's. You could tell he was passionate about his study, and the insects that dominated the field.

"So, back to Home?" Wally asked.

"Yup," the two of you left, but you kept your eye on the house. Something about Frank was different from the others. And you would find out.


765 words

"I just realized it was one am. Welp, Merry Christmas (as a Muslim, in a non-strict religious household, I can confirm everyone says it anyway) this was supposed to be a Christmas chapter, but I got kinda lazy and updated it late anyways. I swear the next one will be Christmasy, ok? Hope you liked it, comment your thoughts (hearing from you guys would be a great Christmas present!), vote, and I'll see you next chapter!"

- Coffee

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