Chapter 8: New Friends

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I can't wait any longer to post the chapters when they're already written so here it is. Vote, comment and share.

Author Inaaya          


Anirudh came and said something in a flirty tone which made me remember the lines I've read on wattpad. I stood up and went to him.

"Unka pata nhi, main banungi tumhari dost pakka. Aisi lines toh maine sirf wattpad aur books mein padhi hai. God is there, I knew he existed." I said what I was thinking out loud. (I don't know about them but I'll be your friend. I've only read these lines either on wattpad or books.)

He graciously accepted my offer and gave me a side-hug. My first, no no no, actually second new friend. First is Aryan but I didn't ask him. I'll ask him later.

I went near Anirudh's ear and whispered "also, don't say such things to Anaysha, she is weak for that." I said genuinely. I know Anirudh is not the type of boyfriend Any would want. She thinks good in everything and while Anirudh seems a good man, I can't trust him enough for my friend. Looks are not everything.

He laughed on my comment and said that he won't do that again. I went back to my seat and sat there.

"Hey bestie, that's my seat right there." Anirudh said while pointing at the seat I am sitting on.

"You called me bestie which makes me your bestfriend and bestfriend do anything for their bestfriends so" I tried to say with an innocent face to which he just chuckled.

"Okayyy bestiee" he emphasised each word and that made me laugh. I saw Vihaan's face and I knew something's wrong.

"What happened, Vihaan?" I asked him genuinely confused.

"Its just that he never gives his seat to anyone else. Not a single person has ever taken his seat from him. One time, a student took his seat and he insulted him so much that the whole university still calls that student names." I was shocked and it was clear on my face.

"C'mon dude, she's the first one who was genuinely interested in becoming my bestfriend rather than my girlfriend, I'll give her my seat if she wants it." I can see his emotions clear. He's handsome and I am sure girls roam around him a lot. I feel nice that I could give him a bestfriend.

"Dude, you're saying like you lost me in an accident." Aryan suddenly spoke which made me frown.

"What?" Anirudh glared at him.

"I mean, I am your bestfriend too, you can't just take that from me." He said all of that offended by his statement of claiming me as his bestfriend, I understand. I chuckled.

"Dude, you're so funny. Let me make it clear. You're my bestfriend and not even god can take that title from you. No matter what you do, you're gonna have that." I smiled when he said all that to Aryan and it makes me feel so special to witness such a friendship infront of me. I can see the girls smiling genuinely too.

"And you, you are my bestfriend because no girl ever came to me like that. They either flirted back or wanted me to be their boyfriend. So, that makes you my bestfriend and remember like bestfriends are always there for each other, I'll be there for you too always." He said it with a smile and I get this assurity that I'll have him. He'll complete the space of Rohan, Ritik and Aditya in my life, I am sure of it.

"I'll keep it in mind." I said playfully to which everyone chuckled. We all became friends just like that. It is so easy to make friends when you're with the right people. Just then I remembered my pending question to Aryan.

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