Chapter 19: Final Match

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1 chapter to go!!


Finally the day is here for which we've been preparing for a while. Today is our basketball match and we're so ready to grab the first position. It is currently 9am and the match is at 10am. We are in the team's room right now planning everything for today's match.

We grabbed a little something from the cafeteria. We prefer light eating before matches and more water for hydration. That's where we met V and Rai.

"Best of luck guys, we know you'll win." They both said together smiling at us and showed their thumbs up.

"Rai, you know right that your college's team is playing against us?" Anirudh raised his eyebrow in amusement seeing her excitement.

"Friends always comes first." She winked at us and we laughed.

"You both are coming, right?" I asked them hoping a yes.

"Yes, we'll come once Any and Nysa join us." V reasoned. Both of us nodded and went to our team's room.

It's just 15 minutes and there's this sudden adrenaline rush inside me at the prospect of Nysa seeing me playing basketball. I never felt this but I guess love do that to a person.

I need to give my best.

We all came in the court and I can see the girls sitting in the front row from the corner of my eyes. They are cheering for us and I am so happy because of that.

The match started and I started playing to grab the ball from opponent's hand somehow. I can hear Nysa's cheer for her so-called brother but not for me? Will I not get some of her cheerings? Their relationship makes me sometimes feel jealous but the notion of being her brother makes me sick to my guts. I held back that thought.

Focus Aryan, focus.

It was half-time and the score was 2-1. We were ahead with one basket. I went to drink water and saw Any cheering me. She's the only one who cheers for me.

I glanced at Nysa and she smirked at me. I guess she knows the effect she have on me. Should I just tell her already that I am in love with her? Should I?
I'll think about it later.

After 24 minutes, the match was over and we won by just one basket. It was a tough match and the opponent team played very well, I must say. We finally grabbed the first position and I can't be more happy. All my college friends came rushing to us and cheered for us.

Its one of the happiest days of my college life. I am so proud of my team. Its definitely celebration time.

"Congrats bro! We did it!" Anirudh came and we hugged each other.

"Congratulations to you too, brother!"

"I am so happy for you guys." Vihaan came but Ruhaan didn't come. Apparently, he'll come in the third semester directly and there's no attendance issues with him, royalty comes with benefits.

I miss him but its fine, if he doesn't miss us anymore then who are we?

Any rushed to me and hugged me tightly. "I am so happy for you Ari, you finally grabbed the first position." V and Rai came and hugged us too.

After everyone left, I was going to leave the court after taking my bottle with me when Nysa came. "Well done, I must say." She said with a smile.

"Thankyou." I said with a small smile and went ahead. She didn't even cheer for me and didn't come to me when everyone did. Now she's here congratulating me? The audacity of this woman.

She grabbed my wrist and wrapped her arms around me. I didn't hug her back this time.

"Hug me back." She ordered me.

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