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What's another more effective word for feeling happy and excited?


I was happy yesterday as I got a very big project for my label, well, me and Moksha.

Starting this label was one of the greatest decisions of both of us because there's never a lack of creativity and it makes us really proud on where we stand.

You can say that we have already created million rupee pieces like hundred of times and now we're just onto a more bigger project.

But today, happiness is an understatement.

Anything to define my feelings is an understatement.

I am pregnant.

And right now, everything excites me. Working, going home back to Aryan and telling him about it. Yes, there's another rush of nervousness and fear but I believe everything will be fine.

He'll make sure of it.

After leaving my work for home, I decided to buy something for him so that it's easier that way to tell him about it.

There's got to be something special because for us, dinner dates are like so outdated (considering we go on them like half days of the month).

Gotta buy him something he loves with a indicator he would be smart enough to understand. So, considering the one thing he's a freak for, I'll gift him that.


I know, a weird way to tell him about the great news but I am weird and I am so self aware of that, haha.

I bought three pairs, the latest Nike type you can find in the market in three different sizes, one's his, one's mine and one's for the baby.

I reached home by 9 at night and guess, dinner was already prepared by the house help we kept reflecting on the fact that we're most of the day busy in our own work.

As soon as I entered the cutest being of the house came running to me and I scooted low to caress his beautiful hair.

He purred happily (dogs purr too) and I giggled at his cute antic for a little while when Vaani didi took a leave leaving me and Derry alone.

Well, Derry comes from the movie IT and we thought no one will be able to relate him to the haunted town.

Well, one of my movie geek cousins was the first one who in the first meet related him and since then, rest all of them calls our Bernard The Haunted Derry.

Derry loves it though, I don't know why.

Anyway, I decided to wait for Aryan and by the time he comes, I'll change, play with Derry and be ready to give him the news.

It was 10 when the door unlocked and I instantly stood up excitedly.

His face came in sight and a wide grin was probably plastered on my face at the prospect.

"Hi!" I exclaimed walking to him when he clasped me in his arms tightly.

"Hi!" He replied swirling me around and seems like he's already in a great mood.

"What's the reason behind the excitement?" I asked against his neck and he faced me while I was still in the air in his arms.

"Got the deal." He spoke and my eyes widened.

"The billion dollar deal?" I asked and he nodded chuckling at my response.

"More like rupee but not less than that." He corrected and I gave him a knowing smile.

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