Chapter 64: Home

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Two days has it been to our marriage and we are back in Delhi but not in our old apartment.

This time in a place we call our home in every aspect.

Yesterday was all about the post marriage rituals and there was barely any time for us to spend together so today's the day when we can finally have the whole day to ourselves without any rasam to do, without anyone to disturb us every other minute.

I have her all to myself.

My chain of thoughts was broken when Nysa wiggled in my hold and I released after pecking her hair.

I chuckled at the way she rolled to the other side moving her arm around the bed searching for me when she herself went away from my hold.

"Aryan?" She murmured against the pillow dusting her hand on the mattress which made me crack into a fit of laughter.

Her eyes squinted to get a clear view of her surroundings and she sat up looking around when she finally spotted the huge man infront of her.

I crossed my arms and her confusion blurred into the lines of her smile.

She crawled on top of me and hugged me tightly while I wrapped my arms around her bare waist drawing random soft circles.

"Why are you up so early?" She murmured against my chest.

"I couldn't sleep when I had you as my view." I teased making her giggle.

"Shut up but no literally, why are you not sleeping in after such a long night?" She asked while my lips curved into a smirk.

"Definitely a long night but it's uhm 10:30 in the morning and I've had plenty of sleep." I replied and she looked up with widened eyes.

"Shit, that late? Why didn't you wake me up?" She asked moving to stand up but I pulled her down immediately.

"You can sleep. Kaunsa kuch kaam hai abhi? Remember this house works according to you." I said sincerely and she laughed nodding her head.

"I know that. I am the queen of this house but time's time and considering we're getting this day alone after probably 15 days, I want to talk about everything to you, there's a lot." She said dramatically and I nodded caressing her cheeks.

"Okay, whatever you wish so go and get a shower and we'll have the day followed in whatever way you want!" I said and she nodded sassily standing up.

My eyes followed her retreating figure in the closet and I still can't believe that we're married.

She's not my girlfriend anymore.

She's my wife.

"WOAH!!" I exclaimed feeling excited for what's next because no matter if we have lived together for 5 years, this whole thing feels new and different.

I quickly checked my phone for any work emails when I had one from the photographers and now, we have the photos too.

Could this day go any better?

I stood up and opened the curtains just then Nysa came back in the room and her lips curved into a wide smile.

"Our room is so beautiful, Aryan! When we came last night here, I didn't get to look around much due to the activities you indulged me in but this is perfect, it screams both of us!" She exclaimed in happiness and I gave a look around too.

"Well, credit goes to me then!" I smirked sassily and she let out a laugh.

"All credit goes to you for designing our home!" She spoke moving back in.

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