Chapter 7- High Priestess

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"Wake up....." I hear a voice calling out to me, softly whispering my name. "Chase.... Chase....."

My eyes slowly widened, I felt someone tapping at my shoulder. I looked to the left of me and saw Rhett gazing at me, concerned.

I'm so embarrassed. I can't believe I fell asleep on the bus. I guess I was more tired than I thought though.....

I couldn't help but worm out an apology, "Sorry." I didn't mean to sleep, but Rhett didn't seem to mind at all.

"Don't worry, I know someone who sleeps just as easily as you," He chuckled, likely recalling whoever it is that could sleep on a bus like I did. Thinking about someone who could do just that, I couldn't help but smile.

"Oh, right." I snapped out of my stupor as Rhett handed over a small key that had a string through a hole at the top of its base, "Here's your key by the way, you're rooming with just one other person. Cabin 4. Heh, 4." Rhett chuckled again, possibly some inside joke of his. I was about to ask, but then Red interjected. Or at least, one of the Red's. I wasn't too sure.

"Hey! Chase, you getting up or what? Ah. Rhett, you finally woke him up. 'Bout time." Yeah, this was probably the original Red. I doubt the clones would be this talkative. Or maybe they are and I'm just thinking that because of stereotypes of a clone? Well. Whatever.

"Hm.... Odd. I can't sense the other two, where'd they go?" The Red in front of me looked like an older version of his teenaged self, apparently this was what he looked like on his late twenties. And I had to say, he was slightly more attractive as an older person. Though I find that sentiment strange in itself.

"I think they went off to meet the High Priestess. I heard she was just visiting to find something on the campgrounds. Though, now that I think about it; it's probably just her secret stash of illicit materials. Whether that's drugs or her erotic fan fictions, I'm actually not so sure." Rhett dropped some new piece of information about someone that I don't think I was allowed to hear.....

Though, if he said it out loud, it may not be such a secret. Or a problem for that matter, since Redmond seems rather nonchalant about it.

"Oh yeah, Wendy. I suppose she did have some secret shit hidden away somewhere..... Could you find it Rhett?" Red asked out of curiosity, but I think he probably would go seek it even if Rhett did not help him. Far as I knew about Rhett, he liked to find things that were once thought lost and retrieving them.

If that's not a clue to his true identity, I'd be remiss to not ask about it. "Why ask Rhett? Does it have to do with his power as a Demigod?...."

Red and Rhett turned to me, Red seemed confused, but the latter merely smiled. Piercing my heart with his handsome smile once more.

"Right, you haven't heard my name as a Demigod yet." Rhett stood up and eked his way out on aisle of the bus, he then knelt down before me, Red's gaze turning to that of confusion, he was dazed as well as amused. Rhett then took my hand and bowed as if I were royalty.

Actually, technically I am.

"Pleased to meet you formally, Your Highness. I am Retriever. The Demigod of Retrieval." As he spoke, he kissed my hand. Which caused butterflies to flit around in my stomach.

"It sounds redundant, but honestly; it's a lot better than Demigod of the Lost and Found. Haha." He stood up and looked at a cross-armed Red, who seemed to almost fume with rage.

"If you have time to flirt with my brother, I suggest you put that time someplace else." I could see Red grit his teeth with anger, an expression I was confident as being different from my father's own anger. Red was angry for me, not at me.

It felt... Nice. For someone to get angry on your behalf.

I watched as Rhett backed off, but not before giving me a wink. Which caused my heart to skip a beat, and for Red to yell out a bunch of expletives that I don't think were even human languages.

"Alright, alright. That's enough Red." I tried to calm my adoptive brother, but even though he listened, it seems like he barely could contain himself.

"The nerve of that one! Seriously...... Chase, if you're ever going to date anyone; see to it that it's not that one! That flirt will make you spend more time with him over me. Also, he's annoying. Don't date annoying men."

Red seemed serious. But with how he's saying all this, I can't help but laugh at his worries. At some point he became his teenaged self again, so it really seemed like an older brother caring for his younger brother.

"Alright. I promise I won't date him." Despite wanting to calm him down, I wanted to tease him a little, "Hm, what about Holden?" I asked about one of the other Demigods that came with us, and for some reason his neck seemed to shrink.

"Oh.... That one. That guy is even more annoying." He didn't seem angry, just..... Severely and sincerely annoyed.

"What's his deal?" I asked, wondering just what would make Red so annoyed with him.

"Holden- Or rather, Handler is a type of Demigod that we call a Dual Agent. Meaning he has two different names as a Demigod. It's very rare, but sometimes those two names can be split off into two different personalities. Meaning, that his names exist as entities independently but also as the same person at the same time."

I was about to ask what this had to do with anything at all, but he quickly addressed it.

"One time I wanted to ask a question about something and he gave me a great answer, later I came back to him but he just ignored me. It was only later on that I figured out that they weren't the same person, more rather, when they are separate they don't share the same memory or exist as a hive mind situation like some kinds of clones do."

The more he spoke, the more disappointed he seemed. I could see where this was going.

"So they're more like, twin brothers rather than the same person, but also at the same time they actually are the same person, just split? That's pretty confusing....." I breathed out, I could see Red brimming with excitement at my understanding.

"Exactly! You get it! People say that they look different, but where?! What difference is there?!" He went on and on about the two, pointing out just how similar the two were. Down to habits he recognised and the fact that they share many forms in spite of their being separate entities.

I'm surprised he knew this much about them.

From what Halcyon told me in passing, Red pays a lot of attention to other people due to the nature of his role as a Demigod. But this goes way behind just paying attention, huh.

Okay. Well, I'm sufficiently weirded out with whatever Holden is.

"I think I need to go now honestly, can't be late to the cabin." I laugh it off, Red handed me my bags and escorted me out of the bus.

"Where's Sarsen when you need her?" Red muttered under his breath, his eyes glazed over across the campground.

I left him to his own devices, though it's probably the opposite since he just went off running to the forest.

My intuition told me that something was happening over in his direction..... Four- No, five? Yes. Five people were fighting.

Well, not like I care too much. They're probably just having some fun..... Probably.

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