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Jungkook's POV...

"Kook! Don't run!" Shouted mom, facepalming.

"I'm late already!" I shouted back.

Yes, I was late. I mean I just woke up. With the stomach being empty again, I ran towards the bus stop. I do not understand how people manage to do everything in the morning. I could barely brush my teeth.

Reaching at the bus stop, I waved to the driver. He was about to leave. Getting on the bus I inhaled some air. Something was unusual though. Air smelled so good. Like really good.


"Kook, would you join us in the library?" Taehyung, my best buddy, asked.

"Sure." I replied simply, walking through the cafeteria. I could again smell the beautiful scent from the bus.

"Man! It smells so good.." I admitted. At the same moment, I got a tap on my shoulder. I turned back and saw a short girl, pouting. Noway, her eyes were so cute. I was lost in them. And the scent, it kept coming. It was from her.

"Um.. mister?" She spoke. I was staring at her. "Excuse me... my skirt." She spoke again while pointing down but I could not get my eyes off her face.

"Ouch!" I hissed when Taehyung smacked me. "What is it!?"

"Her skirt got stuck in your bag." He replied. I looked back at her and then down to her skirt. Oops! Being out of sense, I pulled her skirt and she screamed while pushing it down. She looked at me with a frown and anger visible in her orbs.

She held my bag and managed to get her skirt off the zipper. Then she gave me a last glare and left. "Jungkook, you've messed up. But to be honest, she's so pretty." Taehyung stated. Not knowing why, I felt jealous. I mean someone else complimenting her instead of me? I want to know more about her. She for sure is driving me crazy.

After that we made our way towards the library. I saw my other friends too. Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin. Namjoon was busy, reading books. Yoongi was sleeping. Hoseok and Seokjin were making fun of Jimin. "What took you so long?" Seokjin questioned.

"Yeah, they couldn't find anything to do and kept annoying me!" Jimin quoted angrily.

"Well, Kook was having a staring contest." Taehyung chuckled.

"Oh really? With whom?" Hoseok jumped in too.

"With a new girl. She's gorgeous." Taehyung complimented again.

"Kook, you're always shy around girls. How'd you do this?" My second mother aka Seokjin asked.

"Hyung, I thought we came here to read books." I said and went towards one of the shelves to get a book. When finding a book, one of the books slipped from the shelf and fell. "Type of Boys that Girls like". Interesting... I went through some pages and found a chapter named Responsible.

Girls are attracted to the guys who are responsible, makes them feel comfortable and secure. Someone who is fun to be around?

Day passed quick. I was still reading the book.

"Kook, we're leaving. Wait- what are you reading?" Taehyung asked when I tried hiding the book.

"They're waiting for you, go!" I told.

"You're not coming?" He asked again.

"No..." I shortly replied.

"You know what? I think it's gonna rain today. You have umbrella?" He questioned, worried.

"Yes, I do. Byeee."

They left. After an hour or two, I also went out. It's raining heavily. Thanks to mom who gave me the umbrella. I was about to leave when I saw her. She was there looking at the sky. I guess she do not have the umbrella. Aha nice way to apologize.

I went to her and placed my umbrella above her. Her eyes darted on me. She looked confused. "Don't have umbrella? I can help." I smiled but she pushed the umbrella away. "I'm sorry.."

"No need." She rolled her eyes.

"I know you're angry at me." I told, looking right into her eyes.

"What do you mean? I don't even know you." She said.

"Then know me.. you can know me. Ask me questions to know who I am."

"Are you crazy? Why would I want to know you?" She replied, hurting my feelings. "Ah Soobin! Why so late?" She exclaimed, looking behind me.

I turned back and found a tall guy. She went under his umbrella and walked out. I felt weak. A strong wind passed through me and the umbrella blew towards the road. I left the umbrella there and walked back to home. Yes, without the bus.

I felt weak. Is he her boyfriend? Why God? Why am I hurt? Do I really like her. But it is the first day! Already? I thought this was all just a joke.... until today.

Instead of ringing the bell I knocked on the door. Mom opened. Her eyes widened looking at me. "You had umbrella, pabo." She shouted. Without saying anything, I went in my room and grabbed my clothes. A hot shower was needed.

To be continued...

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