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Spending about fifteen minutes in the shower, I came out with the towel wrapped around my torso. After drying myself I put on the comfy clothes. I went downstairs and found mom in the kitchen. I back-hugged her. "Everything good?" She whispered.

"Mhm.. mom when is dad coming back?"

"Oh he said on Sunday. Let's wait for 3 more days." She smiled and shoved a spoon full of tteokbokki in my mouth.

"Eomma!" I whined like a kid.

She chuckled. "Okay now let's eat! Put the plates on the table, I'll serve the rest."

I did what she said. We ate while talking about random stuff. I am trying to hide about what happened today. But I literally tell every little thing to Mom. I know I will end up telling her the truth...

Later on, I studied a bit. Wasting no more time, I felt asleep.


"Kook! Wait!" Taehyung came running.

"What is it, Tae?" I asked.

"Kook, I heard they're selecting boys for the school football team." He spilled out while smiling ear to ear.

"I'm not interested" I told, walking towards the classroom. I stopped when I saw her. She is with the tall guy again.

"I'm so happy for you, Soobin. They will definitely select you as the captain." She jumped in happiness.

"No, Neemo." Neemo? What type of name is that? "I heard these random boys talking about the guy Jungkook. He has always been the captain." I felt proud and smirked a bit.

"Eavesdropping is not good, Kook." Taehyung whispered.

"I'll be the captain!" I said and went for the registration.

"Oh Jungkook! We were waiting for you. How have you been?" The chief selector, Rijan, asked.

"I'm good, thank you." I replied and smirked when saw the tall-guy approaching. "I'm the captain, right?"

"Of course, Jungkook. Who else can he be?" Rijan replied.

"You are Jungkook? I've heard of you." I nodded a little. "Nice to meet you." He extended his right hand.

"Nice to meet you too. Good luck with your trial." After shaking hands, I walked out with a huge smile plastered across my face. Never felt so good Man! I went to the classroom and found Taehyung busy in his world. He was looking out of the window while smiling shyly. This boy is never growing up. *facepalm*

"Tae? What made you so happy?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Kook, you won't believe if I tell you. You remember how I always said 'im anti-romantic. Well, that's not true. I'm deeply in love." He replied still smiling.

"Really..? Who is she? I want to know her."

"She is gorgeous and enchanting. Her one look is enough to make me blush." He said.

"Did you propose already?" I questioned with a frown.

"No, not yet. But will do it soon. And I am sure she won't say no to this handsome face. I will buy Gucci for her too." He stated, admiring himself.

"Hmm.. I'm happy for you. Remember to take me with you when ready to propose. I might help." I said assuring him with a smile.

We were still talking when the professor entered with a bundle of books. I hate physics. This Newton, why did he have to do this. Like other students, I also think that if there was a watermelon instead of apple that would have been better. "Students, a new classmate is joining us from today. Come in dear." Professor said, gazing out of the room.

She? She entered and bowed. I looked at Taehyung and he was legit blushing. "Hi! My name is Naimé.. nice to meet you all." She spoke.

"Naimé, sit with Yeji. Yeji, raise your hand please." Yeji raised her hand and Naimé sat with her. "Take your sheets out and do not forget the protractors. And did all of you completed your magnetism worksheets?"

"Yes, sir!" We all said in union.


It was home time and I along with Taehyung was walking towards our group. Taehyung and I are in same grade while the other five are seniors. Although Jimin looks like he is junior, he is not. "Kook, Tae, we are thinking of going to our usual spot." Namjoon told.

"Okay then, let's go!"

To be continued...

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