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No one's POV...

"Didn't I always tell you to be careful, huh? I didn't know you were this careless, Jungkook." A moderate aged woman known as Mrs. Jeon kept scolding the careless Jungkook since he arrived.

Sighing heavily the teenage boy spoke. "Mom mom mom, it's not how you think it is. Someone pushed me. And you don't have to worry 'cause I know how to handle this." With that he left to his room.

"Jungkook! I don't want any fight at school!" Sighing in frustration, Mrs Jeon plopped herself on the couch, holding her head down.

"What happened? You seem to be worried. Is everything okay?" A deep manly voice was heard. Mrs Jeon turned back to face her husband. She nodded her head as a no. "Is it about Jungkook?"

"Yea. I'm noticing him since few days, he's behaving awkwardly. He's not even having his proper meal. And today, he came home with his ankle injury." Says the lady, resting her head on the man's shoulder. "I'm worried for him."

"Talk to him calmly, he might tell you." Said Mr Jeon carassing her back.

Taehyung's POV...

"Taehyung, that was not right." A high pitched voice of none other than Jimin was heard.

"Hyung, please can you stop? Let me do what I want to." I replied shortly before walking towards home.

I know it was not a good idea but I had no other choice.


I saw her with her friend. I was about to go near her but I saw Jungkook approaching. "Kook! What happen? You look angry!" I shouted. He went near her friend, Soobin. Jungkook held Soobin by his collar and jerked him a little.

"How dare you to PUSH ME!!!" Jungkook yelled and punched him on his face. He pushed Soobin to the ground and punched him continuously. She went to him, asking him to stop. I went near her.

"Stop your friend!" She told me. I pulled Jungkook towards me. I could see the fire in his eyes. "Sunbae, are you okay?"

"Jungkook, what is with your childish behaviour! What if he's not the one who pushed you?" Without saying a word, Jungkook left. "Everyone! There isn't any show going around! You all can leave.." She was about to go. "I'm sorry from Jungkook's side. He's not okay after what has happened to him. I hope you understand. Let me help till the clinic."

"Nope, no need. And thank you." She smiled brightly and left.


Jungkook's POV...

I was sitting in the cafeteria waiting for the others. "Hey dude, what's up?" I heard Namjoon.

"Nothing much.." I shortly replied.

"Kook, you went too far today! You should've not done that." Taehyung interrupted.

I could not shake the feeling that Soobin was behind it all, trying to steal my spot as captain.

"Hey, Jungkook," Taehyung said, approaching me with a kind smile. "Listen, I know how much it meant to you to be the captain, and I'm sorry that happened. But you know what? I think you should let me take over. I'll make sure to do the team proud."

I looked up at him, surprise registering on my face. "What? Why would you want to do that?"

Taehyung smiled shyly. "Well, you know how much I love playing football. And I think I could do a good job as captain. Plus, I want to impress someone. She's really cute, and I think she'd be proud of me if I did well." His cheeks flushed slightly as he admitted his feelings.

"Well," I began. "okay then I guess."

Taehyung smiled brightly, clearly relieved. "Thanks, man. I really appreciate it. I promise I won't let you down."

To be continued...

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