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Months passed. By every passing day, Jungkook's love for Naime has grown stronger. But she is not coming to college since two weeks. His parents have moved to Busan, their home town. But Jungkook was not ready to leave Seoul. But who knew his life would take a wild turn?

Jungkook was sitting on his bed with his head in his palms. He glanced over his phone, the screen still lit up from the call. Jungkook's mind raced, trying to process what had just happened. His father was sick? He had always been healthy and fit.

But now that he is seriously sick, Jungkook's mum expected Jungkook to step up, to take
over the family business, to marry a complete stranger and continue the legacy.

He stared down at his thighs, a wave of anger wash over him as he replayed the conversation with his mother. How could she do this to him? He had just started college, was finally starting to live his life, and now she expected him to give it all up. But as he lay there, the anger began to fade. He knew there was no other choice.

Jungkook was never too close to his father but he couldn't shake the image of his father, weak and frail, from his mind. He remembered the last time they had seen each other, just a few months ago. His father had been his usual self then, strong and resilient.

Jungkook's mind was filled with questions. How serious was his father's illness? Why had they kept it a secret? And what did his mother expect him to do? He knew his parents had always wanted him to take over the family business, but marrying a stranger? The girl his mother had chosen for him would definitely be nice enough, but he did not love her. He could not picture spending the rest of his life with someone he does not know.

He glanced over at his desk, covered with textbooks and papers from his college classes. His heart ached at the thought of abandoning his dreams of being with Naime. And what about his studies?

Jungkook stood up, pacing the length of his room as he tried to process everything. He stopped in front of the full-length mirror, studying his reflection. His face was pale, his eyes red from the tears he had shed. He looked like a ghost of himself. He could not help but feel alone.

He has decided to leave for Busan tomorrow. He is taking a leave from his college. He does not even know if he will ever return to this college.


"Ladies and gentlemen, our Airline welcomes you to Busan. The local time is 2:00pm. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisle clear until we are parked at the gate."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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