We need to have a talk

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Where were we at the end of the last chapter? Oh, right.

You hear someone knocking at your door and go se who it is.

Y/N: For the last fucking time. I don't want any of the shit that you're sel...

You stop what you were saying bacuse you saw 4 beautiful women (Westy, Leonlev, Queena and Sariel) at your door with serious expresions.

Westy(trying to sound dramatic): So, we meet at last, Y/N L/N.

Y/N(scared shitless): I think you got the wrong place ma'am. Y/N is my cousin. He lives like 3 streets away.

Leonlev: Is this really the fighter Gaia was searching for? He looks kinda... weak.

Y/N: Who are you and what do you want?

Westy: We need to talk Mr.L/N.

Y/N: Easy. I'm only 19. No need to call me "Mr".

Westy(very happy on th inside): Alright then, Y/N. Can we come in?

Y/N: I don't know. My parents aren't home and i can't get strangers in my house so...

Westy: You are Y/N L/N, you are living alone,(enter other things about you beacuse she is trying to tell you every data known about you).

Y/N: O_O. How did you know all of that? Are you a hacker?

Westy: Long story short, we are from the future and we need your help.

Y/N:(Are they gonna tell me a story similar to "World end harem" and ask me to help with that?). Come in.

Westy: We're sorry to bother you but the capitan couldn't come here due to an injury she aquired when she got out of the ship.

Y/N: No problem. Can i offer you something to drink?

Queena: There's no need for that boy.

Y/N: Boy? You're talking like you're a lot older than me but you look like you're in your early 20s.

Queena just chuckled and sat down as Leonlev came to you.

Leonlev: I've heard a lot about you from the capitan ad Dr.Wood.

Y/N: Really? How do you know all those things about me anyway? Are we related or something?

Westy: Not at all. You're a genius that developed the theory of multiverse and wrote a ton of books about your life. You are the most popular researcher from 2000 to 3000.

Y/N: Really? I think you are talking about someone similar beacuse you just described someone smarter than Einstein, and belive when I say that I'm failing physisc worse than a rock. And you said something about a soldier. I hate to ruin your hopes but I get tired only by running 10 seconds and...

Westy: You've been obsesed with your theory about paraleluniverses and that made you famous among researchers. The soldier thing is different 

Y/N: Like?

Westy: IF you accept to listen to us and join us we can help you create that harem of yours and give you awesome powers that could help you kill th devil himself.

Y/N: Alright. What is your story?

French narator: After a short version of the prequel chapters.

Y/N: Holy shit. You want me to become some kind of Capitan America with superpowers to defeat The Dealer himself? You're crazy.

Westy: We can give you hyper speed, strenght, danger sense, healing and super hearing. Plus any other anime power you could imagine.

Y/N: Like a rinnegan?

Westy: Yes.

Y/N: Every breathing from Demon Slayer?

Westy: Yes.

Y/N: One for All?

Westy: Yes, Yes and yes. Any imaginable power you wish. If you promise to kill Mephisto.

Y/N: But if I kill the future Mephisto, how could that affect the past?

Deadpool(at the camera): Well. That's just lazy writing.

Westy: When someone from the future goes into the past they can posses their past self. But if a person born in the future visits the past, they will just be there. No possesing or anything.

Y/N: So you're saying that if I kill his past self I will save the future?

Westy: Exactly. But even if you manage to kill him, we would still be stuck in the past beacuse that could create another timeline. This means that after you kill him, we would be just beings from another universe.

Y/N: Wait. Question 1: If something or someone from a universe enters another, wouldn.t that create a disorder in the reallity? Question 2: How could we travel between the multiverse?

Westy: The multiverse can adapt. How do you think there are different variants created only when you blink? Also,by combining our knowlege, and your technology with mine, we can create a gate between the multiverse that could allow you to make your most deserved dreams to come true. That would work if only you use a universe in wich you are either inexistent or only a fictive character so you dont influence you other self's life. We will give you all that if you join us.

Y/N: You're talking like your're a lot of people. But i only see 4 of you, plus that capitan of yours.

Westy: We're over 40 girls working on this.

Y/N: And the boys?

Westy: There are no boys.

Y/N:(So this is some kind of "World end harem" situation. But they're in the past so they can do whatever they want) How about: instead of only bringing the girls for my harem, we bring some boys too, to fight alongside us?

Westy: I like how you're thinking. Who do you have in your mind?

Y/N: Take me on the ship to meet every girl and make that gate. Then I'll give you my plan.

Westy: Deal.

She realizes what she just said.

Westy: Hahaha

A/N: Here it is. Chapter 4. Sorry for not writing. I was busy on my other story. If you decide to read it you will find a little surprise in chapter 8 and some explanations for my recent absense.

Here's a link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/351528433-my-girlfriend-and-her-cousin

I will work a chapter per week. One week that story, another week this.

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