The first Mission

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You were training with Jade when Gaia's voice is heard trough the speakers.

Gaia: Y/N, can you come to the cockpit? I need to talk to you.

Jade: Looks like she needs you for something serious judging by her tone.

Y/N: Better get going, right?

The two of you high-five and you walk off. While you were walking, you start to sing.

Y/N:Klu vei swi rei thiza
Faut dei na rinmwi twi dau
Hau men gie vista
Conde swi dei rin chau gua lit fi.

Sariel: I like that song. It's relaxing.

Y/N: Miss Sariel? You played NieR?

Sariel: No.

Y/N: Oh. The first impression. I get it.

Sariel: The lyrics are beautiful.

Y/N: You can understand it?

Sariel: (nods)

Y/N: But it's a made up language called...

Sariel: Chaos Language.

Y/N: Yeah. That. Was it spoken on your planet or in your system?

Sariel: I can understand every language. Real or invented. Just look at my book.

Y/N: You can read this?


Y/N: That's impresive, Miss Sariel. I wish we could talk more but Gaia wanted to see me so I will leave now.

Sariel: She wanted to see me too.

Y/N: Cool. We can talk mo...

She starts walking.

Y/N: Or not.

The two of you enter the cockpit.

Gaia: Miss Sariel. Y/N. Do you know why I called you here today?

Y/N: Is it beacuse of the party at my pool? I only wanted to help the girls beacuse on a real beach they would get a lot of stares for many reasons.

Gaia: Not that. You got your first misson, Y/N.

Y/N: No way!

Gaia: But you will need a partner. Someone that could save you fast, that is good at killing monsters without sweating a drop and can feel danger from the distance.

Y/N: Who is it? Mica? Or maybe Tachibana? It would be cool to go with Moon. Or how about Mil...

Gaia: You came here with her. Miss Sariel will be your partner.

Y/N: Really? With all my respect. I don't think it would be a good idea. I think someone that interacted more with me could be better. I only talked to Sariel now for the first time.

Gaia: You need someone to watch your progress and can't help you or make things easy. Consider it a test.

Y/N: I've been here for 3 fucking months and only now you give me a propper test? Why now?

Gaia: We detected some weird energy in a forest somewhere near New Jersey. We think it might be a crystal. You need to get it before Mephisto gets it. This crystal can summon the monsters. It was the first one collected by him. You need to get it and bring I here for proper containment. It is an Order type crystal.

Y/N: Fine


Westy enters the room.

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