000: Heaven & Heavenly

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Heaven and Heavenly have always been attached to the hip, ever since birth they've been the unstoppable duo but their lives are different than other kids their age

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Heaven and Heavenly have always been attached to the hip, ever since birth they've been the unstoppable duo but their lives are different than other kids their age.

Heaven and Heavenly live in an orphanage and have been put in foster families their whole lives never getting the proper love they deserve, People have either used them for money or their own pleasure.

Now you may wonder how and why they're in an orphanage or being switched between foster families, well here's the reason.

15 years ago when they were first brought into the world their mother and father, Kamelle and José were over joyed to be one of the lucky parents to receive twins but because of Kamellle's health complications she died only an hour after birthing the twins.

Kamelle was José first love,first kiss, and first time, they were high school sweethearts and even the last gift she ever gave him, being the twins. He could no longer continue living without Kam (Kamelle),So he dropped off the twins at a nearby orphanage and shot himself in his car only a couple blocks away.

When this happened the twins were only 3 months so they never got attached to their father since he would give them up to stay with family members, they never got attached to anybody but each other.

March 21st,2022

Heavenly and Heaven were doing their daily chores at  Washington Island Orphanage. The orphanage was known to be very child friendly and teach them manners and discipline, to behave and act your age and gender.

It was the complete opposite we were taught to only act like we had common sense when people would come around to adopt, and we called those 'Going home day' other than that the orphanage was in complete chaos.

The kids were fucking everywhere some getting pregnant and the staff would secretly do coke in the bathrooms there would be babies crying and not getting properly fed and some of the teens were doing crack and smoking weed.

The place was completely ghetto and Heavenly and Heaven hated it there especially since they would get picked on and asked the most random and stupidest questions.

"Can you guys read minds?"

"Do you know what each other are thinking"

"Which one is which?"

"Why are your names almost the same?"

"Yall are somewhat rare why are Yall here?"

"Did Yall daddies do coke and Yall would talk about him behind his back to each other using your minds as babies?"

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