Part 3 - Truth or Dare

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You all went over to the others
YN: Hey guys
STEVE: So who's going first
NAT: I will , Wanda truth or dare
WANDA: Em , dare
NAT: Kiss the most attractive avenger
Nat sips her champagne
Wanda kisses Vision
WANDA: We have been dating for 4 weeks now thanks for sharing that Nat
NAT: Your very welcome Wand
WANDA: Ok my turn , Nat truth or dare
NAT: Truth
WANDA: Who do you think is hotter Yn or Clint
NAT: Obviously Yn no offence Clint but Yn is gorgeous and I'm bi surprise thanks Wanda
WANDA: No problem girl it's good to get stuff off your chest
NAT: It is Wanda
They smile and hug each other
YN: Ok well I hate to interrupt the wholesome moment but I'll go next , Bucky truth or dare
BUCKY: Seriously
You smirk
BUCKY: Fine , truth
YN: Who was your first love
BUCKY: I haven't fallen in love yet
STEVE: Come on Bucky you had every girl at your feet back in the day
BUCKY: That wasn't love Steve , this is boring why don't we spice it up
BUCKY: Ok Yn truth or dare
YN: Dare
BUCKY: Ok I dare you to turn the hottest avenger on
You walk over to Bucky sit on his lap make out with him and then bite his lip and stop and walk back over to your seat
YN: Happy
He was blushing
YN: Ok my turn , Nat truth or dare
NAT: dare
You look around and notice Loki is playing
YN: Sit on Lokis lap
She does
NAT:Steve truth or dare
STEVE: truth
NAT: Kiss marry kill me , Wanda and Yn
STEVE: Marry Nat , Kiss Wanda and sorry Yn I'm not attracted to you but you are amazing and I think we will be good friends
YN: No hard feeling and we already are
STEVE: Sam truth or dare
SAM: dare
STEVE: I dare you to hug who you want to sleep with tonight
SAM: Damn Steve
He walks over and sit down next to you and puts his arm around you
SAM: Ok my turn stop staring guys , James BB truth or dare
Bucky rolls his eyes
BUCKY: dare
SAM: Kiss the person you want to sleep with the most
BUCKY: For Fuck Sake
Bucky walked up to you and started making out with you
TONY: Ok I'm going to bed
Bucky stopped and you smiled and blushed
WANDA: Ok well on that note I think we should call it a night guys I'm very drunk and me and Vision are going to have some fun
VISION: We are ?
WANDA: Oh yeah we are
She stumbled away dragging Vision with her
Everyone started to leave Nat left with Steve and you and Bucky were still there sitting in shock and realisation of what happened

Yn x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now